Commentary — 14 July 2011

Here’s another perspective received as to the current status of New Birth…

And yes, Mo’Kelly is withholding names and email addresses.  You can take this for what it is worth.


I read the updated piece on Bishop Eddie Long / Vanessa Long and wanted to clear something up.

For the last two Sundays the church has been making a point to show Vanessa Long.  On the Sunday Apostle Raul Avila from Venezula delivered his sermon, Vanessa Long sat in the audience with Apostle Avila’s wife. After the Apostle prayed and prophesied to her, she ended up sitting in the chair next to Eddie Long (his face in his hands).  I will say this regarding Vanessa Long, her body language was off a little bit, somewhat different, which says something is going on.  This past Sunday, Victor Curry from New Birth in Miami was the speaker and she (Vanessa) sat in the choir stand.  They made a point to acknowledge her and the camera made it a point to show her.  Prior to, Vanessa Long hadn’t been seen at service on a consistent basis for quite some time.

In the past, this church has had two services with the second service packed out.  Switching to one service was a very wise decision.  The bottom of the sanctuary wasn’t filled and the balcony wasn’t even one-fourth full. In the past, about 90% of the congregation would stand to their feet when Eddie Long enters the sanctuary or when ministers say thank God for Bishop Eddie Long..they would clap and cheer.  Now, its about a good 40% – 50% that don’t stand, clap or cheer. I am surprised that he hasn’t told those that he know aren’t with him to leave.

In the past, he would have said it in a heartbeat.  Many believe that the leadership knew of Long’s appetite for young men..especially, Maurice Waddell, who went to college with Long.  Many members who have attended for quite sometime believe that Long was involved with his former executive administrator, Everett Gates (now Bishop Everett Gates) who just disappeared off the scene and Byron Cage former minister of music.  Many, like myself believe that the facade is over and the truth has come out and will continue to come out.  This didn’t end with the settlement.

Family day on July 2 was poorly attended, what a waste of money. The church is seriously divided and alot of faithful members (leaders) have left.  There are some members who walk around in lala land and continue to believe that it’s a set up and an attack of the enemy (seriously deceived).  There are others who believe that something did in fact happened and are watching to see how this plays out.

Eddie Long really is more of a motivation speaker than anything and he compensates by bringing in guest speakers.  Eddie Long is good…he’s really good to fool this many people for so long, but God removed that covering for him to be exposed.

New Birth has plans to open another church in Los Angelesand the pastor is expected to be the person who was head of Longfellows.  I’m sorry, I can’t remember his name.


New Birth coming to Los Angeles?!  Say it ain’t so! 

There was A LOT to digest in this pithy letter.  Mo’Kelly can not verify this note’s contents but it can’t be denied the note is persuasive.  This is indicative of the type of information that Mo’Kelly often gets, yet is very time-consuming to have vetted.  Keep the letters coming!  Mo’Kelly isn’t looking for gossip per se, just firsthand accounts of the service and mood.

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For the most recent posts of Mr. Mo’Kelly, visit  Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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