Commentary — 22 November 2010


Evidently both sides are requesting mediation at this point to avoid a costly, embarrassing (read: career ending) trial.  I understand why the young men wouldn’t want to go to trial and have to re-live their testimonies on the stand.  But as for Bishop Eddie Long, Mo’Kelly “understands” why he too wouldn’t want a trial…for purely different reasons.

Only guilty people request mediation when clearing one’s name is not a realistic option…because they’re guilty.

Yes, Mo’Kelly said it.  An innocent mind acts accordingly.  You don’t seek mediation and settle out of court when the option to completely clear your name and exonerate yourself is also on the table.  Only guilty people do that.  If Bishop Eddie Long is innocent of all in which he has been accused, then he should move forward with the trial and clear his name.  Anything less not only reeks of guilt but rightfully denies him any opportunity to claim innocence in the future.

To “deny” allegations, yet never publicly address them in affirming one’s supposed innocence is fully indicative of guilt and there’s no other way to spin it.

Innocent people act accordingly.  If the four young men are lying then the Bishop has every reason, interest and duty to expose them.  But instead, he’s opted for quietly settling out of court with a sealed agreement.

ATLANTA, Ga. – The first court hearing in the Bishop Eddie Long sexual misconduct case was held Friday, and the case is headed for settlement talks. Lawyers for the bishop and the four young men who have filed suits against him said they want to avoid a trial and resolve the dispute in mediation early next year.

During a status conference held Friday, lawyers for both sides gave a road map of what’s going to happen throughout the case, when it’s going to happen and why it’s going to happen.

On the way into the courthouse, Bishop Eddie Long’s attorney Craig Gillen, and the young accusers’ attorney, B.J. Bernstein, had little to say. But after a short status conference, one thing was clear: Both sides were ready to resolve the case.

“The number one thing is we are ready to move forward in this case,” said Bernstein.

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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