Mo’Kelly has ANOTHER bombshell to drop. Not only has Vanessa Long left

Bishop Eddie…she’s left New Birth altogether and worshiping instead at another Atlanta church! (And it ain’t Creflo Dollar’s).
Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral is under the ministerial direction of Bishop Dale Bronner and the new church home of Vanessa Long.
The (now former) First Lady has COMPLETELY departed from anything and everything New Birth-related.
In addition, it seems that Vanessa has been out of the family home for a good FIVE months.
FIVE. Like since the beginning of the mediation process.
The Mo’Kelly Report does it again!
(No word on whether Eddie’s Jheri-curl lacefront toupee is also planning on leaving him too. Check out Mo’Kelly’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Mr. Jheri Lacefront HERE.)
The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].
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6 responses to “MKR Exclusive: Vanessa Long Worshiping at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral”
Is he really holding out hope that the truth will not “leak.” This is like the final nail in the coffin. I, personally was holding out hope for his innocence, but after seeing that young man being interviewed in the grocery store parking lot, I knew SOMETHING happened. And his arrogance was never more apparent than his willingness to multiple the amount of damages, than to offer a simple apology! Vanessa stands to make a mint, and short of killing her, there is nothing he can do, but hope to stay on her good side. She is not under gag order! I actually feel for him, because he cannot see the destruction he is setting up for himself! Mr. O’Kelly, again, thank you for your timely, insightful, but not always politically correct commentary! Always a fan!
Hi Mo. Don’t start with that lace front wig interview, that was one of the funniest Mo moments ever!
The wife is the last to give up hope, so this doesn’t bode well for “Bishop” Long (who appointed him bishop anyway)? New Birth is about to suffer an slow death.
They issued a statement today denying that his wife left him and calling for bloggers to retract their statements. Hah. Here’s the link from my site: I have it on the end of my article. Funny how he should pick a fight with bloggers, but he couldn’t even face his congregation by going to a trial on allegations he claimed were lies.
Thanks for this…but this is what I do. They want a retraction? They come to me. I’m going to publish MY letter I sent to them that went UNANSWERED. It’s on and crackin’ now!.
I hear you. Same thing for us too. It’s on. I called Art Franklin’s number and have yet to get a response from him, but they go to 11 Alive News to issue a threat. Well, bring it on is what I have to say……
Yes, you don’t threaten people in the press to give you a retraction…you go to the source. My email and phone haven’t changed.
The ironic thing about this is…in going to 11 Alive News…they’ve given the story mainstream legitimacy and legs.
NOW, if 11Alive gets back to me…it’s REALLY on and crackin’. Yes, I’ve already reached out to them.