Then-Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Barbara A. McKinzie pocketed (in terms of what was actually reported to the IRS) almost half a million dollars, according to the organization’s official 990 form for fiscal year 2009.
That’s more than President Obama and his “job” is a paid position. According to the organization’s bylaws, the position of Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha is an unpaid, volunteer position.
Other figures of note include another $447, 879 in “legal fees” (page 8). Altogether, almost $900,000 was paid to or because of McKinzie’s activities.

Again, this is only what is actually being reported. It’s unrealistic to suspect that this number includes any bogus reimbursements for inappropriate expenses to the organization’s corporate credit card or disbursements made off the books.
Let’s not forget to tip our hat to Executive Director Betty James who did quite well in her own right with more than 200k pocketed in 2009.
Straight highway robbery. Your dues, your Boule registrations…straight to their bank accounts.
Anyone want to place a bet that McKinzie took another half million in 2010?
Feel free to examine the full 26-page tax document HERE. FACEBOOK SHARE this post for all those who care about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
(And y’all thought Mo’Kelly was done with this story?! Think again…)
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5 responses to “Criminal Girl: Barbara McKinzie Pocketed $447,669 in 2009”
Thanks, Mo. I’m still holding out hope and am glad you’re not through with this. I really want to reactivate, but will not until there is some accountability and justice. I refuse to pad their pockets. I’ve seen how they do it.
Wow!! This is horrible. I too will not renew my membership until we get some answers. I’m a Chi-town soror and the blind-leading-the blind mentality is quite sickening. Sorors are afraid to even bring up the topic of BAM and her looting of the sorority. But they gladly raise the fees for the regional conferences and Boule. Thanks Mo for keeping us informed. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be able to pass the word on to the growing number of sorors who have jumped ship.
All I can say is WOW !!!
A-Kajun Ivy
I’m feeling my sorors above. I’m aching to reactivate too but I can’t bring myself to do it now either. I’m also about sick of active sorors who continue to complain about fees and assessments yet do nothing to protest.
And why should the “directorate” change and do anything differently? The masses have shown that they really don’t care and are willing to shell out their hard-earned money. It’s looking like I probably won’t make San Francisco next year…
Thanks, Mo’Kelly, for keeping folks informed. I’m not an AKA, I am Greek, and we all know Barbara McKinzie is not the only president/basileus of the Divine Nine that’s stealing from its membership.
Ladies of AKA, I know it’s hard when your sorors play dumb, seem dumb, or are just willing to go along to get along. We’re fighting against that, too, so you have our moral support. Keep fighting the good fight. (We’re trying to do the same.)