Mo’Kelly Interviews Carol Ray of Weeping Ivy 8

Carol Ray

UPDATE 2.19.10 – Plaintiffs File APPEAL!  Click HERE.


Click HERE for interview with Carol Ray, one of the 8 plaintiffs in the case against Barbara McKinzie and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.


Although the case was dismissed before discovery and trial, the Weeping Ivy 8 are resigned to continue the fight, weighing all options.  What might that be and what may await Barbara McKinzie and her supporters come Boule this summer?

All that and more as Mo’Kelly has a special and exclusive interview with one member of the 8 original plaintiffs…another exclusive by The Mo’Kelly Report.


Message from the Friends of the Weeping Ivy:


Several supporters have alerted us that their donations that were mailed to the Post Office Box in Washington, DC were returned to sender with a message that the PO Box is closed. We do not know who generated that report because the rental fee for the PO Box is paid in full for a year. An investigation into this matter will be requested via the U. S. Postmaster General’s Office. Given this current situation, we ask that you send ALL correspondence and donations to the address below until the problem is corrected and you are notified accordingly. We do need your continued financial support to offset our legal bill as we proceed with the appeal and continue the struggle to open the books and records for inspection.

We also encourage you to purchase an “AKAcountability & Transparency” button to wear at all conferences and sorority functions to demonstrate your support for this effort. Send your request and payment to the address below. As always, your support is tremendously appreciated. Together we will right the wrong!


c/o The Legendary Blue Horizon

1314-16 North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19121-4303

[Stay tuned…the new website is coming to you in 2010.  Set your browsers now.]

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published weekly at The Huffington Post and  It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. The Mo’Kelly Report is syndicated by Blogburst. For more Mo’Kelly,  Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected] and he welcomes all commentary.

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24 responses to “Mo’Kelly Interviews Carol Ray of Weeping Ivy 8”

  1. Walt Bennett Avatar


    Your work on this has been commendable.

    I have a hunch that this thing will break big soon, and you will be a leading reason why.

    Just remember the little people when you make it to the top…


  2. Hard Working Basileu Avatar
    Hard Working Basileu

    Soror I am inspired. God bless you and all who love AKA and what she REALLY stands for.

  3. BAM is a Pit Bull, P Avatar
    BAM is a Pit Bull, P

    Just heard the Carol Ray interview. Sorors, let's go ghetto on BAM and her directorate. Our questions need to be answered. BAM is a low-life ghetto butch using scare tactics. We pay dues and should not be afraid to ask about our money.

  4. iv2tuff Avatar

    Unfortunately, the corruption in DC is not a stereotype. It is my adopted city, and I love it for the most part, but there is much "wickedness in high places." Don't be surprised if the invesigation into the "PO Box closure message" yields some flunky connected to BAM or one of her influential sympathizers. Press on WI8, and put on the full armour. You have the prayers and support of many. And you, too. Mo.

  5. Pat Bates Avatar
    Pat Bates

    I also sent 2 letters with donations from S California and they were returned. If I can find the envelopes, I will send them. I wondered if someone was messing with it. This was in January.
    Comments by Concern Golden Soror

  6. Truth Justice Avatar
    Truth Justice

    Sorors have no clue the illegal actions BAM and her supporters are going to in an effort to keep the books closed, and deter support for the FOTWI. Yes, a money order was returned to my home address with a stamp on it stating," PO Box closed return to sender." This is a federal crime!! I hope any members of AKA or affiliates found guilty of tampering with the United States mail are prosecuted to the fullest extent. I know, many of you find this hard to believe. When and if I am asked to testify I will gladly do so.

  7. Von08 Avatar

    The saying about apples not falling far from the tree fits this situation. BAM is a totally rotten tree to each and every root. Pruning, fertilizer nothing will save her. The rotten tree must be cut down. Plant something new, nurture it and watch it grow. All the apples falling from the rotten BAM tree whether they are found in Chicago or Philadelphia and Washington DC with many points in between are also rotten and need to be discarded. In other words anything in BAM's evil shadow whether its a court or a post office gets tainted with corruption.

  8. AKA 50 Plus years Avatar
    AKA 50 Plus years

    Only the IRS can bring this down!!!! Many rules have been broken and the 501c3 status is in jeopardy.

  9. Walt Bennett Avatar


    Real nice production values. You have access to cool equipment, don't you? 🙂

    Ms. Ray is an able advocate for this inquiry, with no evident axe to grind.

    You know, it may seem impossible to knock somebody off of a mountain top, until it happens.

    And it happens by more and more people helping each other to climb that mountain, and when the fall dose come it has an air of inevitability to it.

    I hope other members heed Ms. Ray's eloquent call.

    Good work, sir.

  10. A DC Soror Avatar
    A DC Soror

    Soror, continue the GOOD fight..We r with U!Sorors, we need 2 jump in IRS's ass w/both feet..
    A forensic audit by IRS will blow BAM & the Directorate's sorry black carcasses off the map..Sorors, start writing IRS, tell them u want an AUDIT of AKA financial records.NOW!!!

  11. iv2tuff Avatar

    I just got a chance to listen to the full interview with Soror Ray. My mother is a charter member of the chapter that I came into as an undergraduate. I cannot imagine how anyone could and would so disrespect a charter member the way that ESO did the 3 members who chartered her current chapter. If I follow the chronology right, the blame for what has happened to the WI8 can be attributed to ESO first, as they began by asking her as their RD about the $250,000 payment to BAM. She then probably ran and told BAM, who then told her to try and shut them up as soon as possible, hence the suspensions. BAM and ESO have done a fairly good job of convincing weak sorors that JED has an axe to grind, but after this interview,I would love to hear there excuses about THIS soror. Such treachery. Between the appeal, letters to the IRS, and the Illnois Attorney General, there has to be something that can be done!

  12. I Love to Shop Avatar
    I Love to Shop

    I am glad that the WI8 are continuing to fight. BAM will not stop until she bankrupts AKA.

  13. Love Avatar

    Soror Ray did an excellent job of stating the case. I hope Sorors will come to this site and hear her comments.I have a family member that was made in Soror Ray's chapter. The members can not allow these Sorors to be EXPELLED because of GREED. They have done nothing wrong. The members should be happy that this was brought to the membership. I was never happy about that judge (no offense Howard graduates). The judge went to Howard where Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded. To much history,and on that note she herself should have said No when she saw her buddie's name as an offender. Judge Green got caught up in some mess and her life will never be the same. Thanks for the media. Her in experience will continue to haunt her. AS for BAM, she thinks she has won. The fight is not over. As for WI, trouble don't last always. You have made history. Members will ask questions. Sorors are hurt. Sorors are frighten of BAM. Sorors are now understanding how belonging to a Sorority has it advantages and disadvantages. Some outsiders identify fraternal orgnizations as Cults, BAM is certainly running Alpha Kappa Alpha the way many Cult Leaders' run their Cults. Remember Jim Jones and the Kool aide.

  14. Pinkys Up Avatar
    Pinkys Up

    The decision by Judge Green only made the situation worse. She basically perpetuated the problem by not holding the Directorate to the fire to answer. This keeps the door open for the money to continue flowing into BAM's pockets. I applaud the Plaintiffs. Soror Ray you explained the situation well. Directorate members please take heed-You will have very few members to carry on the work. Dedicated sorors will either be suspended or go inactive out of disgust with your leadership. Show real courage like the Plaintiffs and act in the best interests of the sisterhood.

  15. Akaton Avatar

    The interview was outstanding. WI8 as you continue your fight,please know that many sorors have your back. For the year of 2009, I was inactive because I felt my money (the 500.00 Boule Assessment) was played with. So, I became upset and said that I refuse to participate in a group, that does not value my hard earned dollars. I refused to participate in a group, that is not upfront with me. However, after traveling to several locations to hear and see the evidence that the WI8 had, I am please to say that I paid my dues this year and will also continue to donate to the cause, of justice. I hear so many sorors saying "BAM won the Case". If your take is that BAM won the case. My take is AKA has lost the case. Look, at the monster that we allowed to be created. The foundation that BAM has created has laid the bricks for the creation of people to continue to get rich off OUR DIME. Hey, if that is the route that we will go (stipends) isn't it pointless to have an Executive Director. Mo, people are going to be fighting for this position now. Heck, I am going to run and hire my best friend and line sister as the Executive Director.

  16. Von08 Avatar

    Akaton…You said it in the very best way. If BAM wins AKA loses..I want the BAMBOTS to show me how any of this has benefited the communities we are supposed to serve. If they admire a person who can take a community service based organization and corrupt it, then they need to look at their own motives for being members. Anyone with a basic degree of intelligence will look at what has happened and be very dubious about our good intentions. That's why we need to make it really clear. There are two types of AKAs. One who will go along with the get along. The other type will be screaming for accountability and transparency.

  17. SP Avatar

    I am glad that one of the Plantiffs did the interview. I hope the members take advantage of their rights and go to boule and demand that BAM answer for her wrongdoings.

    Sidenote, Mo: YOu know that the NPHC presidents will be on the monique show? Sheryl Underwood announced it on the TJMS and its suppose to be an NPHC theme. They will be talking about their orgs, community service, etc.

    1. mrmokelly Avatar

      Hmm…didn't know that. Thanks.

  18. Diamond1908 Avatar

    Mo, can't wait for your reaction to the NPHC presidents and their appearance on the Monique show!

    1. mrmokelly Avatar

      It's all dependent upon if I can get the video. I was bumping around and didn't see it listed on this week's schedule so if anyone has scheduling info…please forward.

  19. sp Avatar

    The General President of ALpha Phi Alpha Fraternity stated that he was flying out to do the taping this week on his facebook page. I don't know the turnaround time for them to air that.

    1. mrmokelly Avatar

      All I know is, any discussion had without acknowledgment of the obvious and PUBLIC problems within the organizations is a farce, plain and simple.

  20. SP Avatar

    True. Now you know they won't air their dirty laundry or better yet discuss public issues on national t.v. Seems too much like right. I listened to the TJMS and he said it will be on tonight.

  21. […] Related: Mo’Kelly Interviews Plaintiff Carol Ray […]