Adolf Hitler Was Part Black…For Real

We know we ALL originated from the African continent, but Hitler’s African

Adolf "Pookie" Hitler

ancestry was a bit more “recent” it seems.

Not that any of us should be surprised.  Self-hatred is as old as life itself.


Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the “subhuman” races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.

Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer’s relatives, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin, earlier this year.

First Barack Obama becomes president…now this.

Skinheads and Neo-Nazis are enduring a rather rough stretch.  They need a hug.  Hug your local Neo-Nazi when you see him/them.

…Or not.

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].