The Mo’Kelly Show – ‘Recall Saturday’ Showcase (LISTEN)

On ‘Recall Saturday,’ we talked to four of the top candidates poised to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom if recalled on September 14th. Voting is presently underway, around the state. No other radio show has had such a collection of candidates in one night for you the voter to assess, side-by-side. Without favor or preference, we asked the questions, the candidates provided their answers and the choice will be yours.

We were joined by:

State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley
Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer
Real estate investor Kevin Paffrath
Businessman and 2018 candidate John Cox

Multiple invitations were sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom to also participate, but his office did not respond. The Larry Elder campaign responded but never confirmed a time to participate. The Caitlyn Jenner campaign did not respond.