The Mo’Kelly Show – Questions for Ferguson and #BlackLivesMatter * Al Gore 2016?! * ‘Semen’ is Cosby Word of the Day * #BearLivesMatter (AUDIO)

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2 responses to “The Mo’Kelly Show – Questions for Ferguson and #BlackLivesMatter * Al Gore 2016?! * ‘Semen’ is Cosby Word of the Day * #BearLivesMatter (AUDIO)”

  1. Wisdom Avatar

    Be clear that Black Lives Matters is not the same as The Ferguson Movement.
    Ferguson is asking those questions. St. Louis is asking those questions.
    There are several commissions on this but if you google BLM you won’t find what’s happening specifically here.

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar
      Mr. Mo’Kelly

      But the questions remain as to point and direction of the protests in Ferguson specifically. Protesting what…to achieve what…and how is the social capital in the street furthering those ends?

      Are they voting, fielding candidates, signing petitions to get measures on a ballot? Or are they just still mad and wanting to express that anger in no particularly focused way?

      Where is the effort to elect a new prosecutor or change the role of grand juries in police shootings which JUST happened here in California? No longer will grand juries adjudicate whether charges are filed in police shootings. How did Cali beat Ferguson?

      Where is the legislation for body cams and why is it not on the desk of the mayor and city council members? More than a year has gone by. How are the masses being mobilized other than standing on the street at night? Specifically detail for me this strategy being employed locally in Ferguson which contrasts the larger BLM movement. Show me the actual difference, as you had a head start on every other city.