Frank Taaffe – Staunch Zimmerman Supporter/Friend Reverses Position

File this away in the “Money I Can’t Spend”  folder.  Like the ex who comes back years later to say “you were the best thing to ever happen to me”…money you can’t spend.

Often times with such revelations, the value is found by the person making the revelation, not the revelation itself or to whom it’s revealed.  This serves no purpose now other than massaging one’s conscience, with no real impact or value for the offended parties.

To the ex and to this guy I say…”thanks, but we needed this when it mattered.”

Congratulations on clearing your conscience, but the old adage is wrong.  To those who believe that it’s never too late to do the right thing…let this serve as my argument against it.  I’m not unsympathetic to his plight and loss of loved family members; I’m just unmoved by this gesture.


George Zimmerman’s former neighbor and fellow neighborhood watch volunteer says he wants to clear his conscience.

Frank Taaffe says he now believes Zimmerman should have been found guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

He was once one of George Zimmerman’s most outspoken advocates, but now former neighborhood watch volunteer, Frank Taaffe says his opinion about Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict has changed.

“What I know of George and his tendencies and also my opinion is that he racially profiled Trayvon Martin that night because if that had been a white kid on a cell phone, walking through our neighborhood, he wouldn’t have stayed on him the way he did and that’s a fact and I believe that in my heart,” said Taaffe.

This is very different from what Taaffe told News 13 numerous times after the shooting, including during an interview back in May 2012 when he said, “That George Zimmerman in a position in a volunteer role wanted to ensure the safety of the community he lived in and he became the victim.”

But today, Taaffe claims he just wants to clear his conscience, “I can only ask for the country to forgive me and today I believe that he racially profiled him based on the color of his skin. Reporter: Some people may wonder what does Frank Taaffe have to gain by doing this? Are you working on a book? No book. A TV show? No. I’m just working on me right now and getting right with God.”

Taaffe says his brother’s death last month and the death of his two sons over the past two years has changed him.

Taaffe says he has a message for Trayvon Martin’s parents, “I’m sorry that you lost your son, I know what that’s like and I wish things had been different.”

Full story HERE.

3 responses to “Frank Taaffe – Staunch Zimmerman Supporter/Friend Reverses Position”

  1. Kelly Payne Avatar

    Hell of a f!@#$%& time to say something now.

  2. Karl Clark Avatar
    Karl Clark

    Cannot forgive at this point. His conscience should remain tainted.

  3. Dr Farmer Avatar
    Dr Farmer

    May the wrath of God continue to be upon you