LIVE! – The Mo’Kelly Show September 8! (SAVE THE DATE)

On September 8th, The Mo’Kelly Show will be broadcasting live! Save the date now for your opportunity to come hang with Mr. Mo’Kelly as he broadcasts the program live on location in the Los Angeles area! As details are formalized they will be released.

Just know that Saturday, September 8th is to be reserved for The Mo’Kelly Show!

No political fare, just fun and celebrity guests!

Stay tuned for more details!



The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Tune into The Mo’Kelly Show Saturdays from 6-8pm PDT on KFI AM640 and SiriusXM 166 Saturdays and Sundays from 8-9pm PDT. Contact Mo’Kelly at [email protected].

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One response to “LIVE! – The Mo’Kelly Show September 8! (SAVE THE DATE)”

  1. Jetta Avatar

    Economic boycotting to express disagreement with an organization’s stated position on various issues long predated this chicken debacle. Remember apartheid? Part of the downfall of apartheid was because of disinvestment in companies that did business with South Africa. It became downright embarrassing to be caught with investments in South Africa. It was generally agreed that apartheid was a bad thing so the vast majority of Black people had no problem with this.

    Bring it on home to the USA. Some misguided Black folks economically support chikfila while saying that those who will no longer eat there are suppressing free speech? Huh? Without going into the fallacy of that argument, the truth is that good Christian Black folk just cannot stand the notion of gay taxpaying Americans having the same constitutional rights as they do. Many Black Christian hate homosexuality (and homosexuals, I think too), but keep the likes of Eddie Long in a leadership position. It’s downright schizophrenic!

    One of the persons you interviewed criticized Chicago’s mayor for speaking against chickfila because of more pressing issues he should be concerned with. Well, Black folks have more pressing issues also, like the phenomenal out-of-wedlock birth rate (fornication!), HIV-AIDS (50% of new HIV infections in the USA are Black, and of those 50%, 75% are women!). Then there’s the little matter of the prison-industrial complex, skewed drug laws, bad schools, and other social policies that have much more impact on Black life than whether or not gay folks can marry each other.

    I wish Black people would inform themselves and THINK before giving permission to be used as a pawn in a fight in which we have no dog. Those conservative groups chickfila’s founder supports with his money not just his speech actually are in favor of proposed laws in Uganda to kill gay people! These groups have no great love for Blacks in general, I betcha.

    President Obama does not support gay marriage, as a constitutional scholar, he understands they have a right to marriage under the constitution of the United States of America! Big difference folks. After people died so Blacks could vote, anyone who would not vote because of this single issue should resign from the race.

    Full disclosure: I am heterosexual, happily married to a man, and have never eaten in a chicfila so to not eat there now is no change for me. I am also a born-again Christian, although some of my alleged brothers and sisters in Christ make me ashamed to say so sometimes because of their lack of critical thinking skills and simplistic understanding of the Holy Scriptures.