The Mo’Kelly Show – Fake Christians Silent on Kenyan Massacre * Panda Sex Marathon * Nude Comedy (AUDIO)

Hour 2 – Nudist Comedy with Tim Chizmar and Lahna Turner

2 responses to “The Mo’Kelly Show – Fake Christians Silent on Kenyan Massacre * Panda Sex Marathon * Nude Comedy (AUDIO)”

  1. Harold Crumley Avatar
    Harold Crumley

    Morris, I do not believe I am a “fake Christian”. If I commented on every atrocity that occurs, either in this nation or in the world, all of my waking hours would be spent expressing why those events violate a moral code that is generally accepted world-wide. I do NOT approve of extremism which attempts to impose religious beliefs on others through intimidation or violence. I really do not understand how you expect any religious group to do respond to such extremism. Please clarify your comment.

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar
      Mr. Mo’Kelly

      Hey Harold, but here is the thing. If a person who supposedly is Christ-centered is more concerned and consumed on a daily basis with being able to refuse service to gay people (as a function of religious conscience) but that same conscience does not have any room for the real atrocities befalling Christians, then it is fair to ask…is it Christ that the person serves? Which should be more important to a Christian in the truest sense, not serving gay customers or not standing idly by in the face of mass murder?

      If a person believes in religious tolerance in an international sense and his/her prayers never extend beyond the borders of Europe, is that person in right alignment with His word?

      If our leaders who profess to be Christians will send our troops into harms way to protect Christians only when politically expedient or will use the prospect of religion to curry favor for votes or political decisions, would Christ be pleased? Or would he be as angry as when he threw the moneychangers out of the temple?

      I suspect the latter. Christians today seemed more concerned with appearances than actual doctrine. That is not to indict you or anyone specifically other than our leaders, wish-to-be leaders and those who allege to be our spiritual leaders whose “Christ-centered” priorities are hideously out of kilter.

      Because of social media our world is small. What happens in Indiana is just as newsworthy as in Kenya. Our collective responses are not comparable though and that is sad when clearly what happened in Kenya is far more important than Indiana and more tragic than France.