The Mo’Kelly Show 9.20.14 – Middle East Déjà Vu * Fake Domestic Abuse Outrage * Fall TV Preview * Cosby Show 30th (AUDIO)

After 11 years in Iraq and an official exit in 2011, this week President Obama assured the nation that there will be no “boots on the ground” in Iraq going forward.  That obviously doesn’t include the 1500 pairs of boots already on the ground as “advisors.”  On the program we examine what we’ve gained and lost since re-engaging in the Middle East in the name of “degrading” and “destroying” ISIS.

As for those of you who are so supposedly angry at the behavior of the NFL and its players in the past few weeks, we have very choice words for you.  If you’re just now joining this party to proclaim how much you detest domestic violence, you need your head checked.

Also, stop the presses, Mo’Kelly agrees with Sean Hannity?!  Yes, and it’s not a joke.  When it comes to the topic of Adrian Peterson, we’re 100% in agreement.

Clutch the pearls!

We kicked off hour two with our 3rd annual Fall TV Preview with TV Guide’s Matt Roush, simply the best in the business.  The new season starts tonight, so check out Matt’s picks and pans as to what to watch and watch out for this year.

Speaking of TV…

30 years ago, September 20, 1984 marked the debut of The Cosby Show on NBC.  We both celebrate its lasting impact and lambaste how new TV show Black’ish is being favorably compared to it.


Come join us as we parse all of this and more on The Mo’Kelly Show.