What Happens When Piers Morgan’s Manager Starts Twitter Beef with Mo’Kelly?

I’ve long theorized that Twitter is just like alcohol, it magnifies who you are.  If you are a pleasant, positive individual, your Twitter persona will likely be indicative of it; with simply a louder megaphone in which to broadcast it.  The converse is also true.

For the most part, I don’t advertise or broadcast my Twitter handle.  Twitter is the home of the trolls, individuals who feel emboldened to say anything in any manner without thought to common courtesy, decency or consequences.  And more times than not, it is done under the supposed cloak of anonymity.  That…is a troll.

And, it’s not often that trolls come in the form of a manager of prominent television talent.

Last night on my program, I discussed all things innocuous, from the box office results of the weekend, to even the highest paid TV personalities.  Somewhere along the way, John Ferriter, the manager of Piers Morgan and professionally linked to names like Arsenio Hall, Carson Daly found his way to my program.

Background on Ferriter HERE.

For reasons not wholly clear, Ferriter sought me out (unsolicited) via Twitter to tell me how much my program “sucked,” that I “stink” and wanted to know who gave me a job. I’ve never to my knowledge badmouthed any of his clients. But John was all about getting at Mo’Kelly.

I was gracious and thanked him.  He kept on, proceeding to chastise me as being a “rookie,” “amateur” and once again…my show “still sucked.”

This is typical troll fodder, and entertaining to be sure.  But when the manager of Piers Morgan, who just had his show cancelled, goes ham, critiquing my work; “ironic” is the word which comes to mind. To personally berate me because of my commentary on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie (that is the “movie” referenced in the tweets), you know that the person is either not operating with a full deck or the moment was “substance-enhanced.”

Either way, just say it out loud.  “Piers Morgan’s manager thinks Mo’Kelly sucks.” I laughed out loud and the tweets made my night. I have arrived!

I was (almost) flattered.

Maybe…just maybe I do (suck).  John Ferriter is Piers Morgan’s manager and maybe knowing who “sucks” is his particular skill.  Thoughts and prayers to the cancellation of Piers’ show.

But never will I be of such poor judgment as to embarrass myself, my company, my brand and my clients by going high school troll on Twitter.

Well done John, well done.  How you chose to engage me was your decision.  How I decided to respond is mine.  Try not to let it happen again.  Piers Morgan is proud and I am sure Octagon Entertainment Management is equally proud.

Stay classy.

