The Mo’Kelly Show 8.16.14 – MSNBC’s Goldie Taylor Breaks Down #Ferguson * Fake Social Media Activism * NFL Revisits Domestic Violence (AUDIO)

I am always amazed at how the most opinionated media sources and outlets manage to chime in on such social justice issues as is the case in Ferguson, MO and NEVER speak to anyone on the ground or intimately connected to the issue. Yet at the same time, opine from a distance, wagging their finger at those actually in the situation, admonishing them to “wait for all the facts.” And also manage to disregard the fact that the Ferguson police department has willfully and intentionally withheld “the facts” in the form of no police report, autopsy or ballistics.

Goldie Taylor

Former Ferguson resident, former marine and current MSNBC commentator Goldie Taylor provided a historical perspective on the unrest, and how it can affect cities all around the nation dealing with similar issues. Be sure to take out your iPads to take copious notes. School is in session.

Also, we connected the dots with the social media expressions of support for Ferguson residents with “slacktivism.” We make the argument that this generation of young people often settles for lazy “status update activism” instead of the real kind, which requires actual action.

In addition to that, we touched upon how the Sea World and the NFL were forced to revisit and change controversial policies because of actual activism.

There was no playing around on this occasion. We were all business. This is more “must-hear” radio.