The Mo’Kelly Show 3.8.12 – The Fall of Radio Shack * Daylight Savings/LA Marathon Foolishness * Disney the Evil Monster (AUDIO)

Radio Shack, Staples and Olive Garden all announced bad news this week in the wake of depreciating stock value.  Radio Shack and Staples announced huge impending store closures, while Olive Garden may just be delaying the inevitable with an ill-conceived logo change to help spur business.  This comes simultaneous to the job numbers being released for the month of February.  What does it all mean?

And if I’ve never told you, I’m not a big fan of the silliness better known as Daylight Savings and the L.A. Marathon.  The fact that they’ve collided on the same day…um, not pleased.

Also, this just in…

Disney is an evil mega-corporation bent on taking all of your money, from its online content to its amusement parks…and we have thoughts on this realization.