Kia Super Bowl ‘Matrix – The Truth’ Ad – (Not Quite a Mo’Kelly Commercial Pick) (VIDEO)

The car company Kia had been running ads “pre-promoting” this commercial, which is odd in and of itself.  Pre-promoting the promotion seems both redundant and overkill.

Nevertheless it then breeds tremendous expectation.  If you’re going to pre-promote your commercial, not only do you take away a lot of the pleasant surprise, you leave open the greater possibility of disappointment and negative association to the ad.

Granted, it increases the “free” views of the ad outside of the amount spent on the Super Bowl airing, but these views would have been garnered on the backend anyway.  In short, I’m not so sure about the pre-promotion of the promotion strategy.  Overall I thought the ad was fair.  I could do without feeling I was Laurence Fishburne’s dentist with all the close ups.  If you too feel as his you’re intimate with Fishburne’s uvula, know that I felt the same way.

In the end, it’s not quite worthy of a “Mo’Kelly Commercial Pick” mention, but it’s not a bad ad.  A surprise cameo by Blake Griffin could have been a very, very funny addition.