Some, perhaps, would say he truly doesn’t fit in with the rest of the hosts at KFI (640 AM).
He’s not conservative. He’s not white. He’s a supporter of President Barack Obama.
But there he was, doing a live broadcast from Gable House Bowl in Torrance on Saturday, attracting an almost full house for an evening of fun, laughter, talk … and even karaoke.
It’s the slightly revised face of KFI in the form of Morris O’Kelly – Mo’Kelly to his friends – heard 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays.
Why Torrance? Why Gable House Bowl?
“Simple,” he told me. “I grew up in Torrance … graduated from South High in 1987. I knew from the start that I wanted my first remote broadcast to be from my hometown. And I plan to do another.”
More HERE.
The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Tune into The Mo’Kelly Show Saturdays from 6-8pm PDT on KFI AM640 and XM 166 Saturdays and Sundays from 11pm-midnight PDT. Contact Mo’Kelly at
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