Mo’Kelly to Host KTLK AM1150 from 3-6pm (Friday)

Things happen fast around here! As it turns out, Mo’Kelly will be hosting from 3-6pm tomorrow (Friday); sitting in as guest host on The David Cruz Show. Tune in at AM 1150 for those in the Los Angeles area or listen via (search KTLK).

And of course, you can catch Mo’Kelly in his “regular” slot of 6-8pm on sister station KFI AM640!


The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Tune into The Mo’Kelly Show Saturdays from 6-9pm PDT on KFI AM640. Contact Mo’Kelly at [email protected].

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9 responses to “Mo’Kelly to Host KTLK AM1150 from 3-6pm (Friday)”

  1. Victor Avatar

    I can’t believe you are that gullible!!!
    Or, are you just a tool of the media????
    I’ll bet you truly do believe all the Hispanics and African American LAPD kills were actually “Reaching for their Waste Bands”.
    The only thing you have said today that is beyond question is, there are people who are now dead. Your assumption based on an audio recording Chris is shooting back is ridiculous; tell me which bullets were from his weapon.
    Use some logic: how many police officers were surrounding the building he was alleged to be hiding in? Use your head for something more than a place to keep your mouth! If ALL the officers were did charging their firearms what would you expect a recording to sound like??? Under the law: You cannot make a statement you do not know is true. What prof do you have Chris was firing back. Oh, LAPD said he was.
    Based on the number of rounds fired; had you been given a recording of the officers who fired on the (2) women in the City of Torrance; you might have wrongly assumed they were firing back at the officers. You should “Believe half of what you see, and less than that of what you hear” Do you recall the good people of Simi Valley believed; at any moment Rodney King was going to get up and kill all those officers who were standing around him whipping his %^$ . The whole world saw it, but they believed he was a threat.
    Quick question: Would you bet your life on everything the LAPD says as being true. In a court of law their comments might be seen as Self Serving. THINK!!!!! – It was said they did not try to set the house on fire. The man said the second devise they put in the structure produced “HIGH HEAT” – Repeat after me… F L A M A B L E; unless the house were made of some kind if Inflammable material; what would a “Reasonable person” believe would be the end result? You actually believe his statement?
    Regarding the “Manifesto” can you say beyond a Reasonable Doubt; Chris wrote it? Is there any conceivable way it could have been written and posted by someone other than him? What eye witness testimony has been presented placing him at the scene of the killings? Is there forensic or DNA at the scenes, that tie him to the killings? Nooooooooooo, thus far the evidence is based on “A belief he wrote the Manifesto”
    In America; our LAW is Innocent until PROVEN Guilty. Without it (the manifesto) being authenticated; motive is taken away leaving only the speculation of Law enforcement. THINK!!!! Is it beyond a reasonable doubt; someone in Law Enforcement wrote it? Could they or would they benefit from Chris being discredited? Do you have any idea how high his claim of “Corruption” reached? Let’s say for the sake of argument’s sake it went ALLLLLLLL the way to the top. Do you think the Chief of police would allow himself to be implicated in this? I’m not saying he is, but in today’s world; there is nothing that is beyond the imagination.
    You should know. Everything you said on your program was from your imagination. Factually, you stated almost nothing – NO PROOF, just what you think. It is a possibility Chris was actually dead when the shooting started. I’ll bet you anything there will be no comprehensive investigation into the “Shoot-out”. All evidence that was inside the building has been destroyed (fingerprints on) bullet casings, G.S.W. on Chris’s hands, Body temp. At the time of death, CSI stuff; like angle of attack of the bullet entering his body, powder or contact burns if any.
    You don’t find it suspicious no one was allowed to see anything (AT ALL). If it was necessary to carry a dead body into the building, fake a firefight, then torch the building you would not want to allow the whole world see you doing that. I’m not saying, I’m just saying. With all the resources at the hands of Law Enforcement; this is not implausible or impossible. I’m not saying what has been relayed on T.V. is a complete fabrication; but the statement “We did not set the building on fire” purposely and simultaneously stating the device generates “High Heat” is bothersome. If you strike a math (High Heat) and drop it on Flammable Material what do you think would happen?
    Just use your head, T H I N K.

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

      Thanks for your note Vic…but I said plenty factually. You just didn’t happen to agree with the facts I gave you.

    2. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

      You mean other than the dead sheriff…other than THAT proof he was firing back? So, did the police kill one of their own on the fly in the hopes of “smearing” Dorner?

      You’re telling me to “use my head?”

      1. Victor Avatar

        Mo. When you express your opinions on your radio show, perhaps I am being overly optimistic, but I actually believe they have some semblance of a legal or reasonable bases. Under “The LAW” when a person LIES about little things it can be assumed they lied about “BIG THINGS” too.

        Law enforcement has stated “PUBLICLLY” it was not their intent to start the fire that burned the cabin to the ground. Unfortunately, there is a recording of them plotting to set the fire and saying “Let the Muther Father Burn!!!”

        Like I asked before; would you bet your life on EVERYTHIGN law enforcement has said thus far being The TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH? Could you possibly be a bigger fool than a reasonable person could possible imagine. ALL the information given to date has come from the same “Flawed” source.
        Perhaps, you have some infallible source; that allows you to state beyond all doubt the guns found with Chris are the weapons tied to all the murders. Do you have that Intel? Have you seen the ballistic reports?

        A N N N N N N N N N N D what evidence do you have that shows Chris is the one who pulled the trigger? America is a country of LAWS! Here, people are INOCINT until proven guilty; you didn’t know that, huh? Mr. Dorner, has not been found Guilty, yet, by a jury of his peers, or a presiding judge. Legally, at this time he is still innocent. That is according to the law, and constitution of the United States of America. Or is there some Special Dispensation exclusive to California Law Enforcement Officers?

        I asked you previously, about your ability to distinguish the difference between the shots fired; based on the recording you played on your show. If you are an honest man you would tell the truth and say “In all honesty there is no way you are any one can say assuredly they can tell which shots are from Law Enforcement, of allegedly from Chris’ weapon.

        Did you see any reports stating the number of spent shells found within the structure? If he did in fact shoot countless rounds at the officers, it SHOULD be quite easy to find evidence; would you agree? FACTS are FACTS, and they don’t lie. In fact, what FACTUALLY evidence have you heard regarding the shootout?

        Given, Law Enforcement did not allow anyone to make any type of “Video” Recording; all we have is their word. The same word that said it was not their intent to burn the building down; accompanied by an audio recording with Law Enforcement talking about their pre-ordained plan to burn it. Mo! I don’t know if you are just trying to be a Larry Elder proselyte, you actually believe the “Garbage/Lies” you are affirming, or you just don’t have ability to reason.

        OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Look at the Facts, not the hype that is being spread by the Foxes; who are saying they Never saw any Chickens. Look at who stands to benefit by NOT have a second investigation; with an actual person there rebut the misrepresentations of the first one. If Chris was on the stand “Under Oath” and the other officers were on the stand “Under Oath”. And the facts were not a part of a Kangaroo Court. Do you think it is possible, although remotely, could it be possible the outcome just might be different.

        Perhaps, “Use your head” might be too strong, I think a better admonishment might be “Keep an open mind” Don’t close you mind to any scenario, no matter how far it differs from what you have heard thus far. Like I said, Law Enforcement LIED once; what makes you think they can’t do it more than just once?

      2. Victor Avatar

        Mo, It seems you have a slight problem distinguishing between an opinion and “THE FACTS” – All the information you gave was “Your Opinion” not based on actual certifiable FACTS.

        Noting stated by the Law Enforcement Officers was stated under OATH. There is a Major difference in making a statement to the media. than making it to “The Court” under oath, where lying will put the LIAR in jeopardy of Jail Time.

        I could be 1,000,000% wrong, Perhaps I missed that portion of the show where you advised the radio audience, everything you were stating was a matter of “Record” Given to a Judge under oath. Did I mis that part?

        1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

          The death of a San Bernardino sheriff…was that my opinion? Do you have ANYTHING to suggest that the sheriff’s death was self-induced or due to friendly fire?

          That would be a yes/no question.

          And I don’t an AP News report. If I did, then “my opinion” would not be appropriate. The news reports come during the breaks.

        2. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

          You Victor, do not work in radio or understand how radio works. I am not under any obligation to advise the radio audience of ANYTHING or delineate between your sense of facts and opinion.


          There are THOUSANDS of reputable news reports which support everything I had said on the radio. So for me to suggest otherwise in denial of the news reports would in fact be reckless and just that…an unsubstantiated opinion.

          You want me to advance an opinion which is in agreement with yours…although I have NOTHING to support it. Your argument makes ZERO sense.

          Show me ONE reputable news source which substantiates that Dorner did not do any shooting.


          Until you do, you have no business trying to lecture someone about facts.

  2. Victor Avatar

    Hey Mo
    How about just Doing the right thing. How about a God Fearing sense of not selling your soul just to have others like or listen to you.

    Do you have no fear that someday the truth will be told? When that happens you will either have to admit you were wrong, ignored the facts that were available to you or you will look as if you lied.

    I can understand, you are saying you are an entertainer; It’s not your job to be honest; if I fully understand what you are saying. In today’s world people are so easily swayed. Far too many people do not have the ability to reason, to look at the BIG Picture, to read between the lines.

    I’ve relayed my opinion(s) to you; there are facts that have not been portrayed through the mainstream media, on one that is favorable to Law Enforcement. We ALL KNOW (well at least some of us know) They are not always in it to help everyone. Sometimes, they do things that is for the Betterment of the few.

    Thank you for alerting me my expectations of the Truth being told on a radio show is Pipe dream. I should have absolutely no reason to believe what I hear is nothing more than just entertainment.

    My Grandmother always said “God don’t Like Ugly” and my Mother would say “he’s not too happy about pretty either” Be a man, stand up for what is right. Show you have some Big Brass Ones. Tell the WHOLE STORY. Don’t be afraid.

    A real man can stand the storm, a weak man will be tossed to and fro by the waves of meekness.

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

      I am doing the right thing.

      Christopher Dorner murdered four innocent people. Do not bring “God-Fearing” into any conversation in which you don’t first and foremost acknowledge the sanctity of life.

      I have no obligation to forward YOUR opinions. I have no responsibility to forward YOUR conspiracy theories. I’m quite comfortable in the TRUTH that Dorner murdered a woman and her fiance in cold-blood.

      You can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me you believe what he had to say about the LAPD in his manifesto and ALSO disregard the part about him taking credit for the murders of Quan and Lawrence and intending to kill police.

      So either you believe his manifesto or not.

      And as for “a real man versus a weak man…”

      I am the ONLY one in THIS conversation with my REAL name, REAL picture and standing firmly behind everything I say in EVERY commentary, comment, column and radio show in which I’m associated. I have an editorial history of more than 15 years defending African-Americans.

      When you do ANY of that…come talk to me about the difference between “real” and “weak.”

      In other words, you have a LOT of catching up to do before you can offer any genuine opinion of bravery in media. If you could do it…you would be doing it and not complaining about me. You’ve exhibited NONE…but have an opinion on what it is…um…yeah.

      It’s not “brave” to forward unfounded conspiracy theories, it’s unprofessional, irresponsible, idiotic and stupid. It’s amateurism at its WORST. It’s the difference between me (having REAL credibility) and you (some anonymous poster nobody knows and having ZERO). It is not “brave” to post anonymously with no credibility to risk and no professionalism in which to indict. It is COWARDLY. It means you have no courage or credibility.

      You have no show, no image…why are YOU anonymous, why are YOU not out there doing it? Exactly.

      When I forward my opinions on Dorner, it’s because I’ve worked with Connie Rice for years and dialogued with her relative to police reform. I’ve dealt with this with both the head of the L.A. Urban League and national head of the NAACP. They deal with me in return because I’m CREDIBLE. Credibility is earned.

      See the difference?

      ANYONE can put out a conspiracy theory. ANYONE. Don’t tell me about what is “irresponsible” when your own theory has no facts in which to support it. The best you have to offer is to not believe the police. You have no facts, no show, no credibility, no professionalism…but you want to lecture me on “real vs. weak.”

      Go start your OWN blog, OWN column, your OWN internet radio show…use your real name and picture and tell your version of the truth. Go get your OWN terrestrial radio show(s). There is no fear here. My career is proof of that. I’ve taken on the AME Church, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Hip-Hop moguls, Tyler Perry, Quentin Tarantino, Oxygen Media, BET and a list of 20 more I don’t feel like typing. My resume is secure and my name is connected to all of them.

      Google is a really cool tool if you’re unsure. Those FACTS are inarguable.

      THAT is how I got here, by telling the truth. Not “your” truth, but THE truth. Being authentic in all I do. I don’t do conspiracy theories that some random, anonymous poster thinks I should.

      Who are you? What is your credibility? What is your media training? What are your credentials? EXACTLY! When you amass any of that AND put it on the line, then your opinion might have merit about what I do for a living. But until that time comes…

      So if you don’t think I’m “real” enough…then you will just have to go show me how to do it. Don’t be bitter, be better. Don’t talk me to death…go show me how it’s done. Something other than a semi-anonymous comment on a singular blog post.

      Not impressed.

      I’ve earned my way. You “Victor” have conspiracy theories to forward. Get to work.