An Update from The Mo’Kelly Report

Good afternoon friends,

Just wanted to get back to some of you who have written, asking about past, present and future projects.

As Mo’Kelly has been busy (very, very busy) with DiverseLA it is has been nearly impossible to to find the time to pen certain editorials or do ANY investigative journalism. There literally are not enough hours in the day.  So, as to the questions and concerns as to updates on First AME, the AME church more generally or Criminal Girls with 20 Pearls…at least for now, those are subjects that will be without updates for now.

But as the news trickles in on Eddie Long, Mo’Kelly will FIND a way to keep you abreast on that topic. 🙂

Speaking of DiverseLA

Some have wondered why Mo”Kelly has a vacillating level of “on-air” presence from day-to-day, which is a good question.  Mo’Kelly’s job is dual in nature, provide an on-air presence but more importantly guide the program in the background.  There are many moving parts and many times my work is more focused on the behind the scenes action. Meaning, some days you’ll hear a lot from Mo’Kelly, others less than a lot.

As The Mo’Kelly Report grows and evolves, there will be changes.  It is seen and read by more people than ever before, which requires a greater focus on making prudent editorial decisions.  Some changes will be quite noticeable, others barely perceptible.

Hopefully that speaks to the majority of concerns and questions many of you may have had over the past few weeks.  Thank you for reading, listening and contributing.





The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Contact him at [email protected].

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