Conservative Brass Lining Up…AGAINST Newt Gingrich

This is more than slightly interesting.  We already knew that the GOP has been unable to

Newt Gingrich

field a candidate.  Now they’re sabotaging their own candidates.  An editorial in The National Review (THE  conservative information and commentary magazine/news portal) absolutely excoriated Newt Gingrich, outlined all the reasons past and present why Republicans should want none of Newt as their nominee.  In short, supporting Newt would blow the 2012 election.

(Well duh?!)

Mo’Kelly isn’t even a Republican and had to say OUCH after reading this.


We fear that to nominate former Speaker Newt Gingrich, the frontrunner in the polls, would be to blow this opportunity. We say that mindful of his opponents’ imperfections — and of his own virtues, which have been on display during his amazing comeback. Very few people with a personal history like his — two divorces, two marriages to former mistresses — have ever tried running for president. Gingrich himself has never run for a statewide office, let alone a national one, and has not run for anything since 1998.

That year he was kicked out by his colleagues, the most conservative ones especially, who had lost confidence in him. During his time as Speaker, he was one of the most unpopular figures in public life. Just a few months ago his campaign seemed dead after a series of gaffes and resignations. That Gingrich now tops the polls is a tribute to his perseverance, and to Republicans’ admiration for his intellectual fecundity.”

It goes on…

…his impulsiveness, his grandiosity, his weakness for half-baked (and not especially conservative) ideas — made him a poor Speaker of the House. Again and again he combined incendiary rhetoric with irresolute action, bringing Republicans all the political costs of a hardline position without actually taking one. Again and again he put his own interests above those of the causes he championed in public.”

The National Review – full story HERE.



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2 responses to “Conservative Brass Lining Up…AGAINST Newt Gingrich”

  1. Gua Avatar

    They are really scared that Newt actually might get the nomination insuring a 2nd term for Potus!!

  2. Willie1986 Avatar

    Poor Rethugs, I feel sorry for them…NOT!! lol