(This was written by CNN/Fox commentator Lenny McAllister, friend,
former guest and present supporter of The Mo’Kelly Report)
A cautionary tale for Black conservatives: even if the allegations are not true (a big “if” to some at this point), Herman Cain’s responses to them are not winning over many Americans to his views or his leadership.
No, it’s not just in regards to the sexual allegations that Mr. Cain adamantly denied by way of a press conference in Arizona. Yes, that is plenty enough ‘splaining he will need to do, covering not just allegations that stretch from Chicago to Washington, DC, but as well for the hopes of supporters rooting for his candidacy.
There’s some “splainin’” that must come forth regarding other Cain issues yielding a not-too-complimentary image of the Cain Train, even if his momentum of support has maintained in many ways thus far.
For example, explain this: for a man who often notes he is the only non-politician running for the presidency on the Republican ticket, the amount of political hubris that Mr. Cain has shown over the course of two weeks reflects less of the grassroots affability (and perhaps even some sense of humility) that propelled him to straw poll wins starting in Florida two months ago.
Instead, it comes off with the same image of the proud, us-versus-them mentality that creates more enemies than friends – and apathy towards American politics. The stonewalling efforts fending off allegations of harassment have been criticized as damaging double-talk from Cain while the story grew, from differing stories on settlements to recollections about the details surrounding these allegations.
However, more damaging (and often less discussed) to Cain’s image is the arrogant manner in which he has denied the claims. During the infamous November 8th press conference from Arizona, Cain denied ever meeting one of the accusers just weeks after seeing the woman in a back-stage encounter in Chicago, then turned around and called the woman “troubled” and sent by Democrats to destroy his campaign. Doesn’t that plea, made by a master politician a decade ago, sound familiar?
Explanations fending off a firestorm have never been spoken more accusatorily by a career politician.
Yet, more damage to the folksy feel-good nature of the Cain Train was caused later in the week with his unnecessary ribbing of former Speaker of the House “Princess” Nancy Pelosi during the GOP debate in Michigan. He should have been more mindful of his slip in the polls (particularly with women) dropping him into a virtual tie with GOP presidential competitors Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. At the very least, he should be wary of condescendingly sexist, arrogant, or un-presidential comments.
This is not only threatening to his campaign, but risks squandering another opportunity for Black conservatives in American politics.
Instead of attacking the left consistently with facts and figures – as he so eloquently did when addressing President Clinton and the universal health care movement in the 1990s – Cain resorts to name-calling and insults. That may get applause from conservatives, but there are diminishing returns from the American electorate.
Full Story HERE.
The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit https://mrmokelly.com for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Contact him at [email protected].
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