Tom Joyner SLAMS Tavis Smiley, Makes Halperin Link


Tom Joyner

For those who thought Mo’Kelly’s commentary on R. Kelly/Smiley was personal…take a gander at THIS!  Know personal when you see it.  Here it is (page one) below…but the link can be found HERE.


My New D-Word for Tavis and Cornel

Before I get to Mark Halperin, let me give you a little background.

They say that if you’re angry with someone, you should write a letter, get all the mean stuff out, and then tear it up or delete it. When you’re a little more calm, you write another letter or confront the person face to face.

About a month ago, I wrote a blog about Tavis Smiley and decided to table it because I said some things I didn’t want to publish. You’re probably thinking I went too hard him, but no. In reality, I hadn’t gone hard enough – and I knew it. I said I’d wait until something pissed me off so bad that I would have the words harsh enough to express what I was really feeling about him and his side piece – I mean side kick – Cornel West.

Well, yesterday, when Mark Halperin – a well-respected journalist, employed by a well-respected magazine and a contributor to a well-respected news network – had the audacity to call the president of the United States a dick, that was all I needed.

While I am appalled at Halperin’s statement, I have no expectations of him as a man and know nothing about his character. I am appalled, however, that as editor-at-large of Time magazine, he is responsible for among other things, deciding what stories will be covered in that publication. As the person in charge of political content, it is upsetting to know that he probably has not been objective in his dealings with material I and so many people look forward to (until now) reading each week. Needless to say, I’ve cancelled my subscription to Time magazine and hope you will too.

But I’m even more disgusted with Smiley and West, two brothers who I did have expectations of – and thought I knew. These two have done much worse than what Halperin has done because they set the tone for it, opened the door to it, and must take much of the blame for creating a climate that would make a white, professional journalist feel comfortable verbally and vulgarly attacking the first black president of the United States.

When you think you know a person, when you’ve given a person a forum to present his views, when you’ve had a hand in a person’s success, you want to believe that he is the same person he always was.

Remember THAT Tavis – the one who could take any complicated political story that had an impact on black America and “break it down” for us every Tuesday and Thursday in less than five minutes. The one who coined the phrase “radio advocacy” and alerted us any time anyone – from a private business owner to a politician to a corporate giant – even thought about doing black folks wrong. The Tavis that loved black people so much that he would sometimes, during his commentaries, be moved to tears. Where is that guy? You know, the guy that would have been telling me, “Fly Jock, Halperin has got to go.” For a while, I thought he was still with us, even though people around me (and many of you) tried to convince me otherwise. “Tavis is a hater.” “Tavis is only about himself.” “Tavis is jealous of the president.” I wouldn’t believe any of it. I had so much respect for him before his primary goal became selling books, and, later, selling out.

As we approach the Fourth of July weekend, one that celebrates our freedoms, including freedom of speech, I wish someone would use that as …..




The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For the most recent posts of Mr. Mo’Kelly, visit  Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].

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7 responses to “Tom Joyner SLAMS Tavis Smiley, Makes Halperin Link”

  1. Lynn Avatar

    You have been giving me some awesome story ideas over the past couple of weeks! All I can do is give you credit, but I’ve GOT to post this.

    THANKS, mo!

  2. Gua Avatar

    Mo, I think you know or perhaps sense how I feel based on my last remark on your post. This seals my feeling that Dr. West since he has teamed up with Tavis has succumbed to a level that I’ve not seen before from him. I’m truly disappointed that both he and Tavis have allowed their base emotions to now dictate their commentary on the President.
    Tom Joyner did not do this lightly, he (Tom) has held his feelings in for over a year before he finally said something that quite a few people saw long ago.
    I’m sure that his awareness/vision was tainted by friendship and a long association.
    I applaud him for saying what needs to said from a person that I think is still “trusted”
    thank you for posting, I would not have been aware of this if not for you!!!

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

      I so wish I could tell the full back story. I can not. But I will say that Tom Joyner waited a long time to go there. I don’t and haven’t always agreed with Joyner on some of these issues…but I respect him for being true to himself on this occasion. Straight, no chaser.

      I can say this and will elaborate at a later date when more beneficial for me. Tavis did have his unit publicist for his TV show call and “ask” for my article to be taken down regarding R. Kelly.

      Didn’t call me as the author of MY column, but tried to back door me through leveraging the publisher of the site. I don’t even work for the man anymore and he’s STILL trying to tell me what to do. Bullying the media when something unflattering is said about you is simply not cool and completely classless.

      I can only imagine his thoughts and proposed course of action given Joyner’s remarks. If y’all only knew the full story…

  3. Lynn Avatar

    Mo, I was wondering if you still worked for Tavis. Are you self-employed now?

  4. Gua Avatar

    Mo, and I so want to hear the back story….because as we all know there ate two sides to every story and somewhere in between there is the “Truth”.
    I am sorry to hear that Tavis attempted to back-door you…..whatever happened to being a man and talking face-to face???
    My mom used to say…”you reap what you sow”

  5. Gua Avatar

    Mo, have you seen this:
    Published on The Nation (
    Cornel West v. Barack Obama
    Melissa Harris-Perry | May 17, 2011
    More insight……..

    1. Mr. Mo'Kelly Avatar

      Yes, I posted it here awhile back. There’s back story to that too. The short version is that Harris Perry has never liked Dr. West due to Princeton University hiring politics (she wanted a gig that went to West disciple) so she will NEVER co-sign on anything that West/Smiley will do.

      But it is indicative of a growing resentment to any and all things Smiley. Like did you even know he had an event on CNN and released a book this year?

      Probably not.

      Blood in the water.

      Chickens coming home to roost.

      Reaping what you sow.

      All that…

      And just wait until the R. Kelly book is released…all hell will likely break loose. He surely won’t be going on Tom Joyner Morning Show to promote it.