Keep the hate mail coming. I don’t care what you think about me. I really, really
don’t. It is not my job to be a fan in my work, only to tell the truth. There are larger, more important issues to address. If you are a “fan” of El DeBarge, then you need to hear this, because it’s time to get down to brass tacks. This is for the ones more concerned with the singer making a comeback and less with a full recovery.
There is an order to be followed. Recovery first and foremost, with a recording career coming in a distant second.
It does not matter what any reader may think of me, my supposed motivations or even the history between El DeBarge and myself over the years. There is nothing I can say, will say or have said that will ever be the ultimate decider in whether DeBarge maintains sobriety or makes a full comeback.
Any anger with me along those lines is clearly misplaced. I don’t have that much power. I appreciate the credit but it is undeserved. Nevertheless, the following must be said.
When I sat down with El’s people in September of 2010, they articulated the need to surround him 24/7 in terms of prayer and personnel to help El stay on the path of sobriety.
24/7. Meaning...ALL of the time. Meaning…his sobriety ALL of the time was key. El said that he’s battled the demon of crack for more than 25 years, the hedge was required.
If you don’t know or understand the realities of crack addiction or health implications of long-time cocaine/drug use, then let me assist. Any user of such longevity will tell you that the demons will ALWAYS remain.
ALWAYS. One can be sober and off the substance but it is a day-to-day fight for the rest of one’s life. After age 50, substance abuse increases the likelihood of sudden death at an exponential rate.
This is not about resuscitating anybody’s career, it’s about saving someone’s life.
El DeBarge can’t be sober “some of the time.”
El DeBarge can’t be sober for “most of his performances.”
El DeBarge must be sober ALL OF THE TIME, or he is coming home in a box…nice performances or not.
The music business (of which I am a veteran) affords too many obstacles, too many enablers and too many avenues which threaten sobriety.
If by his management’s admission, El DeBarge required round-the-clock assistance and still he is not sober ALL OF THE TIME, then it is time to discuss whether his sobriety and singing career can co-exist any longer. Otherwise, El DeBarge is coming home (sooner not later) in a box…nice performances or not.

The question for you fans is simple. Do you want an alive El DeBarge or do you want him to go the route of Rick James, found dead at the age of 56. His autopsy yielded the following…
“The coroner’s office officially ruled James’ Aug. 6 death “accidental,” but also noted that no fewer than nine drugs were found in his system, including methamphetamine and cocaine.
As E! Online exclusively reported Aug. 7, James was spotted just days prior to his death at a Hollywood party using cocaine, and many of his friends privately were concerned that the former “Superfreak” was back to his partying ways before his untimely death.
James and his family had maintained that the R&B/funk star successfully kicked his cocaine habit and was sober after years spent battling a crack addiction.”
Story HERE.
Somehow, I’m not sure if Rick James’ final performances (great or not) are of any solace or consequence. Rick is dead. Do note the obvious parallels of the final sentence.
“James and his family had maintained that the R&B/funk star successfully kicked his cocaine habit and was sober after years spent battling a crack addiction.”
Substitute “James” for “DeBarge” and you’ve quite possibly found a looking-glass into the future. Despite what mother Etterlene DeBarge will tell you, the videos I’ve posted are clear. El DeBarge is under the influence. Firsthand accounts of the performance agree, he was under the influence. Maybe it’s just a mother’s job to see the best in her child, but the man was under the influence and would have failed any field sobriety test. He couldn’t even successfully navigate an interview, much less an automobile.
No number of “great” performances, Essence Festival or otherwise changes this fact. Either El DeBarge can remain sober all of the time or you can await the celebrity-laden funeral and email the funeral program to all of your friends as you did with Michael Jackson.
Historically there has been this strange connection between substance abuse, comebacks and death.
Elvis Presley died from an overdose while crawling away from his toilet and miles away from his dignity…yet in the midst of a musical comeback.
Michael Jackson, cardiac arrest from the combination of injected prescription drugs and a history of abuse. And oh yeah, he too was readying for a comeback.
El DeBarge has already undergone two rehab stints in the past two years. Appearing seemingly under the influence is not a red flag? Are you crazy? He JUST left rehab!
El DeBarge is coming home in a box and very soon if his addiction is not fully addressed. If maintaining sobriety means the end of his historic music career, so be it. I’d rather he live to the age of 80 substance-free, than die at 56 like Rick James who was still performing and partying.

Or maybe El DeBarge fans would rather he die at age 50 of an overdose as did former Temptation lead singer David Ruffin. Or like Michael Jackson who also died at age 50.
Just FYI, DeBarge celebrated his 50th birthday last month.
Has it sunk in yet?
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m the only one who cares more about his health than his hits and chart position. I just might be, because I’m the only one talking about this in terms unrelated to his vocal prowess or musical legacy. Members of his family are complaining about not being on stage with him and gauging by the silliness of his fans, it’s ok if he’s inebriated on stage every once in awhile, no big deal.
How much clearer must I be?
You, the fans are more concerned with unflattering videos being posted on a blog and less concerned with the dreadful reality in which they confirm. This man is on the path to death.
As a “recovering” crack addict, you can’t be sober “some of the time.” You can’t be sober “most of the time.” You must be sober ALL of the time. Even alcohol inebriation through decreased inhibition risks crack demons having their way.

Check out what recovering addict Charlie Wilson (formerly of the Gap Band) had to say in response to El re-entering rehab this past February (and canceling his tour).
“Wilson says DeBarge needs to take a break when he gets out of rehab. He says the demands of the industry can put you under a lot of pressure. That’s the last thing a recovering addict needs — even after years of being sober.
‘I was still working on myself,” he says. “You have to work on yourself first. That’s more important than relationships, and it’s more important than your career. Your life has to matter more than sitting on the cover of a magazine.”
I am working on myself every single day. I am just one drink from catastrophe,” he says. “One hit away from losing everything I have.“
Story HERE.
So don’t take my word for it, take Charlie’s. ONE drink, ONE hit. Recovering addicts MUST be sober ALL of the TIME. The music industry is not a place in which to teeter. If Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin were still here, they would explain how the mixture of alcohol and any narcotic is deadly.
But alas…THEY’RE DEAD.
Whitney Houston was a crackhead for a decade before she hit rehab and everyone knew it. But as long as she was churning out hits, her public fans and private enablers were indifferent. Now that her career is over, her “fans” seemingly couldn’t care less and have moved on…
Nevertheless…she’s alive.
At best, DeBarge will suffer a “Whitney Houston fate” if he continues on this path. At worst, he’s Rick James, Michael Jackson, David Ruffin or Jimi Hendrix. The body can only take so much.
Take your pick fans, which will it be? Whitney Houston or Rick James? Open or closed casket? Old age or autopsy?
I am working on myself every single day. I am just one drink from catastrophe,” he says. “One hit away from losing everything I have.”
– Charlie Wilson
If you want to pray for El DeBarge to make a comeback, you’re better off not praying at all on his behalf. A comeback without a full recovery only ensures an untimely death. El had used crack for more than 25 years (his own admission) and surely will not survive 25 more if he continues.
Appearing seemingly under the influence four months after a second rehab stint is far more significant than any other recent performance in which he did not.
Ask yourself fans, what are you really wishing for El DeBarge…and in what order? If it has anything to do with his career, you are only hastening his death.
So who really is the hater? I want him to live. I will love his music regardless of whether he ever picks up another microphone. His musical legacy is safe.
For El DeBarge the man, it must be full-time sobriety, or it will be death. Somebody has to “love” him enough to make it plain. It clearly is not his family or his fans as their agendas and motivations are quite questionable. It might as well be me and you can be mad all you like. I want him to live and will in no way be party to the enablers.
Now go play that on your iTunes.
The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For the most recent posts of Mr. Mo’Kelly, visit Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].
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34 responses to “Dear El DeBarge Fans…It’s Full-time Sobriety or It’s Death”
[…] Penal Code « El DeBarge Oddly Returns to the Stage – Sobriety Questioned Dear El DeBarge Fans…It’s Full-time Sobriety or It’s Death […]
[…] Related: Letter to El DeBarge Fans […]
Mr. Kelly, TRUST ME as a fan of El that runs a fan community in his honor and is in constant contact with his die hard fanbase daily…the last thing the fans want is another Michael Jackson or Rick James situation as you say. The fans want El clean and Sober ALL OF THE TIME…not some of the time, but ALL OF THE TIME. His health and sobriety will always come first and as fans the only thing we can do is continue to pray for El and show our unconditional love and support for him. The fans are not selfish or in any denial, we truly want to see El overcome his disease and get back to what he loves and does best, entertaining the fans!
I hope and wish that were true (in terms of what you’re wishing for) but given the emails and comments here…it suggests otherwise. Complaints about why I haven’t posted the Essence Festival performance too or why did I not note he was “sober” at Essence or other performances.
Which you and I agree…misses the point.
Mo’Kelly, you have a very strange way of calling yourself CARING about this man. The tone of your message, comparing him to other past dead celebrities, etc. and it was so long and drawn out and unnecessary. Looking at your photo, I see why you’re MAD at him, he looks better than you and you are simply JEALOUS of that gorgeous man, that’s all, that’s what it sounds like and what it appears to be. Fans want El to recover in every aspect of his life, who are you to say what his fans want and what they are thinking? You don’t even know what you’re talking about, trying to throw some shade on this man that was able to bounce back and getting all of the attention…ahhh, sounds like you need some attention to? Jealous, back stabbing, you have a personal beef with this man and it’s very OBVIOUS. Get over it and quit talking bad about people.
Yeah…I’m jealous. You got me. Oh and by the way…I wrote that piece 3.5 years ago. So clearly you haven’t been keeping up.
I am a HUGE El DeBarge fan, but I have to admit that lately I’ve been feeling like there’s going to be Breaking News story about his death and it will break my heart. I saw him last year in STL and had tickets to see him again, but that was cancelled when he entered rehab. I try to stay positive, but I wonder if he really, really wants to change? Is there anyone that truly loves him enough and that he respects enough than can help him?
Mr. DeBarge has to forgive himself for not being “present” for so long and whatever else started him down this path and realize that he has to want to live not for his kids, his mother, his siblings, his fans, BUT FOR HIMSELF. He has to know deep inside that he is worth the battle EVERYDAY and that he deserves to be happy. In his interviews he maintains that he just wanted to try drugs, but I think there are deeper issues involved that the public doesn’t need to know, only a therapist or drug counselor. He has to get to the root. I wish him the very best. BTW, I rock my Second Chance cd everyday.
As a longtime fan of El Debarge and someone very plugged into the fan community, I can tell you that there isn’t a true fan alive who does not have the points you made above in mind. Yes, we’re all concerned with El’s health and his sobriety. In fact, on a popular fan community site comments such as those made by Charlie Wilson have been discussed and appreciated.
However, I think the hate mail you’ve been getting has more to do with your seeming obsession with showcasing all of this man’s flaws and showing him in a negative light. Now if you’re saying that you published the email years ago that he allegedly sent you when he was probably high and you posted his mugshot and those videos of him this week seemingly under the influence because that’s your way of helping him and you want people to do something to save his life, then ok, maybe the fans were wrong to send you hate mail, but with all due respect, Mr. Kelly, the number of blog posts you’ve made over the years about this man in the past have not been Charlie Wilson-esque in that they don’t come across as coming from a place of caring.
In fact, in all honesty one of your claims to fame is being the blogger who had the beef with El Debarge. I, and many others, only know about you after having googled El and seen all of your posts.
I think the people who wondered why you didn’t mention the Essence festival or other good performances weren’t trying to pretend the controversial performance didn’t happen. In fact, the true fan sites discussed it at length weeks ago when it actually took place. So you don’t need to send us fans a letter about how dire his situation is. We know. None of us want to wake up and see the news on CNN that he has passed away from an overdose. If the sentiments you express in this posting are genuine, please use your platform to educate or inform people about addiction and the dangers and maybe point to El and others about how debilitating and challenging it is to break free of addiction, but don’t use it just to showcase all of the tragic stumbles that one celebrity addict is making just for the sake of some page views.
I accept your apology Karen…you didn’t offer it but I accept it nonetheless.
I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. I’ve read sites where fans are upset with the promoter for the way they handled El’s questionable sobriety on stage, pronounce you a hater, and denounce everybody from family, to ex-wives and ex-lovers. El’s sobriety or lack thereof is no one’s job but his own. If he can’t find the courage or humility, to reach out for help, then that will be on him. Tough love is what he needs.
@ Milly, thank you for the kind words. @ Karen. I disagree. There are PLENTY true fans alive who do not have my points in mind. We can tour his fansites and I will point them out to you. I can show you the comments and emails which spend more time detailing how much talent he has (relative to me) and less about any of the points I’ve made.
And in my piece I make it clear about what I feel about the hate mail. It is neither here nor there for me. I don’t “showcase” him in a negative light. I didn’t create the concert review, any of the videos or any of the original speculation and this can’t be argued. In the past, I couldn’t create the arrests, the behavior or the substance abuse. In that sense you prove my point as to “fans” and not having my points in mind. There was no one else in a editorial/commentary sense even talking about the domestic abuse issues, the arrest issues other than me. People spoke about the drugs, but not the behavior specifically in relation to them. But here you are, still concerned about me highlighting “the negative.”
And there’s no “allegedly” about the email sent to me. I can stop you right there.
I have talked about domestic abuse, aberrant celebrity behavior and the intersection of those issues in regards to El DeBarge. You call them “flaws,”…showcasing the “negative.” And that is spoken like a true fan. You eschew the real issues and deflect from the realities of the situation. A fan’s job is to worry about how their favorite artist is being “presented” and whether that is “unflattering.”
I tell the truth.
The man was high in those videos I posted and like I said in the piece, you’re still worried about the presentation of the videos, at least as much as the content. There is no caveat to be had. That’s like saying, “Yes he was high, but that wasn’t nice of you.”
Maybe I should start posting emails and deleted comments so you see Karen that your view of “fans” is by no means accurate.
I tell the truth. The truth is that many fans’ behavior (including yours to some extent) makes excuses and puts blame everywhere except where it deserves to be. El DeBarge’s struggles have never and will never be connected to how he’s “presented.” They will forever be connected to who he is and what he does.
Only “fans” of El DeBarge think that what I do is in any way connected to page views. If I were concerned about page views I would post half-naked photos of celebrities. Any “fan” of my work knows what I do and I do it well as a matter of fact. Such argumentation is further proof that you are denying reality.
If I wanted more “page views” I wouldn’t dare talk about the seriousness of El’s issues…EVER. If you’ve read my posts (your assertion), then you should already be aware that regardless of the methods used (humor, condescension etc.) I always maintain the seriousness of the underlying issues, including domestic violence, accountability of celebrities to felonious behavior etc.
You have also yet to acknowledge that being under the influence, beyond the health risks most likely is a violation of his probation and parole. Please show me what other blogger has mentioned that?
“Tragic stumbles?” That’s a fan talking in euphemisms. And at least you acknowledge that from your first sentence. But in your fandom you are far less objective and accurate in your assessment of my work and El’s plight that you seem to think.
You will not find any other blog (non-El DeBarge related) talking about these issues. They never have and never will. Domestic violence, violence against women, drug addiction, likely death from the addiction….nowhere. You talk about it on your fan sites relative to your desire for El to succeed.
I talk about them to an audience in a continuing discussion of the issues. Some are El DeBarge fans, others who have never heard of him. My audience, believe it or not is made up of a wide swath of people and interests, many only mildly concerned with El, if at all. But what you DON’T acknowledge is that I have done the same (commentary) for all types of artists. You only happen to care about the ONE in which you are a fan.
If you really reviewed my work, you’d already know that. I wouldn’t have to remind you of my many posts on Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, R. Kelly, Paris Hilton, and dozens more who either had been arrested, derailed their lives and career or have been enabled by fans to continue their destructive behavior.
Do I really need to post the links…it would be tedious to do so.
When I do a long piece on Russell Simmons detailing the number of arrests of hip-hop artists and their various crimes; it’s a continuation of a theme here. You as a “fan” of El DeBarge wouldn’t understand that. Someone who is a “fan” of Mo’Kelly already knows it. I’m consistent.
You come to me today only talking about El, thinking it’s some ploy to get “page views.” Trust me…posting videos about El in any capacity doesn’t really move the meter on my site and if you like I’ll show you the stats to prove it.
Talking about a Black 80s R&B artist and the seriousness of his underlying issues in no way garners huge page views. No matter how I present them or discuss them.
There is a counter at the bottom of my blog and there for your perusal every single day. It does not lie.
All I have to do is tag a post with “Paris Hilton” or “Kim Kardashian” and it will blow away anything I EVER write on El DeBarge.
Do you see any paid advertisements on my site? No, and Google ads don’t count. This is about a mission.
The facts simply aren’t on your side. The world doesn’t care that much about El in a news sense. There is no great upside in talking about El DeBarge appearing high.
NONE. In fact, in terms of my larger writing career, it’s really beneath me and career-limiting in many ways.
Thinking I have some hidden “page views” agenda is a fantasy on your collective fans’ part and more proof that your view on these issues is skewed terribly.
But thank you for both reading and responding Karen…
Dear Mo,
Your article is well said, I love El’s music, but he is still using and it looks obvious to me. Just compare the videos that re-introduced his CD, and you see a man that has lost weight, lost hair, and appears half there.
El does not appear to have good support, and if you must have someone 24 seven to stop you, then you are not committed to sobriety. He should try daily hypnosis, it works, and it starts on your mind first. I would rather see an old El Debarge, because he is not addressing his sobriety. Keep up the good work Brother, you are HONEST!
Thank you for speaking the truth. If it’s a choice between El DeBarge performing and his living, I’ll take the living every time. If he never picks up the mic again, but he’s clean, sober, and healthy, I’d be happy for him. It’s not about the music, it’s about his life. I bet his children would rather have a daddy who is sober than one who is just a memory.
Finally, you have put that jealousy or beef or need to make fun off the brother aside for a moment and are now talking like a fellow man concerned about a human being you see dying if he doesnt stop the drugs. my issue with you was kicking a brother when he was down. it’s bad enough when white media does it but when one of our own does it…not cool. yes, you posted the facts but always poking fun at his struggles.
you say he is not relevant in a news sense so WHY do you continue to post about him? why can’t YOU move on? makes you wonder….
no, i do not want to watch the news, see the internet or read about el’s death. it would break our hearts… we have lost marvin, james, luther, gerald,sean, barry as well as the artists you mentioned but el’s sobriety is up to him.
your choice to dog folks when you clearly see their struggles is up to you whether you accept responsibility for it or not. you have a responsibility to be fair and impartal when reporting, do you not?
honestly, have you been? at least, regarding el?
it was bad enough when you went after el but THEN when you went after his daughter…i’d would have called your azz out and not just by email.
it’s your bottom feeding behavior folks take issue with not the facts but you gossip columnists are all the same, scraping at the bottom is all you know how to do. you poke fun at other people’s problems all the while your own crap goes unknown. not that we care…
like i said before, you don’t give a damn about el.
mr. kelly, t’s time for YOU to move on….
Shell…I didn’t say El was not relevant in a news sense. He is not relevant in a “page views” sense. He does not inspire great spikes in traffic.
And until someone pitches in on the financing, posting and maintenance of this site…I will keep my own counsel as to what is either newsworthy or site relevant. Thanks for chiming in.
There are other sites with different editorial ethics than mine. I suggest you then find one more in alignment with your views.
This is not the associated press…it is The Mo’Kelly Report. I will move on or back to any subject I see as relevant for that time and space.
Have a good one.
This is Lynn from Hicktown Press (not “Lyn”) the person above.
Mo, you have always been fair in your posts and you are also fair as well as truthful in this one. He DOES need to face his demons and do whatever it takes to rid himself of them.
I’m happy you are not allowing hate mail to sway you one way or the other. That’s just part of the package when you have a blog. My hate mail generally comes from people who are angry when I expose criminal “pastors” and “ministers”…..thugs in the pulpit.
In any event, keep doing what you do…’cause you do it so well!
Dear Mo!
I responded to you on twitter already and you have replied back. Admittedly, I had not read this article but was responding to the manner and timing of the report of the Ontario gig. I do not disagree with what you factually with what you said regarding Ontario butI was annoyed because it came over a week after the fact. Fans ns on the thread that I read had fully discussed the root of the problem and some had expressed plainly that El needs to take a break and finally get a hold of his addiction However, since he carried on to the EMF and performed well,I felt that it was unfair to highlight the Ontario show embarrassment which was not helped by a bunch of useless amateurs without pointing out that he had turned it around at the EMF. It just came across very mean spirited and lets face it, you and El have a track record. That said, this article regarding El’s need to persue full time sobriety, I could not agree more with you. Hard truths need to be faced up to by fans(including myself). Prayer upon prayer has been offered up by us fans but there is always the worry that one good performance just masks the reality of the real situation. Your revelation about your talk with El’s people in 2010 (I assume the Farmers, Ron Fair et al)is ‘sobering’. The worry is that he certainly does not have that now and the difference is clear for all to see. Fans who are being true to themselves realise the score and I’ll concede that some fans are not thinking of El’s needs( not in a malicious way, I hasten to add), but they love El and love to see him perform,just not thinking deeply of the full implications. Once more, I do agree with this article and some of the now deceased individuals that you have mentioned have run through my mind over and over particularly the fact that El is at the age or approaching the age where many of them succommbed.
Giving up the music careere and seeking full time sobriety is El’s call.He is old enough to make the decision once and for all. What can we do otherwise, since as far as I know he is not communicating via twitter, facebook etc. I’m sure you are faliliar with Lipstick Alley’s Debarge Family tea thread which has conrtributers who have long ago concluded what you have written. Whether El reads it and even if he does, whether it can influence him to make the right move, I don’t know!
Thank you!
One side we all wanted to believe his words,his second chance.BUt the fact is he has a serious issue to deal with.The label is not suportting him anymore.Sometimes he looks so slim and just think who was the last singer you watched that skinny?
Yes Mj on the this is it movie.
We are in denial,we just love seeing him back on the keys after soo many years but Im afraid that This will be It again,the shortest come back.
All we can do is enjoy as long as we can and pray for El.It is clearly on God hands more than ever. No industry executive,mother ,woman or friend can do nothing about it.It comes to El and God to save his life
I will lift up El Debarge in prayer. As the sister of a now-deceased longtime heroin addict (my brother died at 49), I can attest to the soul-destroying power of drug addiction, and the relentless nature of this disease. I regret that I was so judgmental about my brother, choosing instead to condemn him instead of praying for him without ceasing and helping him. I now see that he was a sick individual, both physically and spiritually. He needed medical and spiritual care, not the prison time he received from this society which would rather jail addicts, particularly black ones, instead of treating them. America’s social policy with respect to drug abuse is terribly unfair and ineffective.
Another thing, drug addition robs society of the talents of the addicted, a loss for everyone. My brother was not an entertainer, but was handsome, charming, and talented mechanically. He could practically build a car from scratch. He could have easily has his own auto shop had he not been consumed with the need to obtain drugs so as not be sick (the goal becomes avoiding sickness with heroin, not getting high so much, the longer you are addicted). I am still sad thinking about him and all his wasted potential.
I recommend everyone read a book called “Drug Crazy”. At the tun of the century, when white middle class housewives made up most of the heroin addicts (heroin was sold at the corner pharmacy back then), addiction was an open secret between the housewife and her doctor. Neighbors may have known that the lady next door had a problem, but it wasn’t deemed criminal or pathological. America social policy with respect to the criminalization of drugs has its roots deep in racism. Read that book!
Mo Kelly, first of all I understand what you said about El DeBarge but the way you present yourself as a journalist is a disgrace. You could have chosen your words better. To say those mean, hurtful things about my dear friend and favorite singer El DeBarge is inhumane. Where is your compassion? Your wishing on El’s death is so cruel!!! We cannot give up on people because we don’t know what they went through. You spoke negatively about El before and you are very tacky! Be careful what you say as a journalist man! Instead of bashing El, why don’t you pray for him? I’ll pray for you because brother you need it.
Wishing death on El?! Are you illiterate or something? Where did I write or imply that?
Mo Kelly I agree too many people are in denial about El and that family. His family doesn’t lift him up they bring him down. Truth be told the ONLY way El will stay clean is if he remove his family (mom, sisters, brothers) from his life and focus on himself and his kids.
What is your obssession with Eldra DeBarge all about? A journalist is usually impartial but you seem to hit on Eldra DeBarge in a way that can only screams a vendetta. If you feel so strongly about what you write, why did you seek him out and have a picture taken with him? If you are so taken into drug related artists, why did you not write about the comedian who stripped during a performance recently as a result of being under the influence?
Fans are not in denial, they are reacting to your negative hypocritical unprofessional questionable ‘journalist’ manner.
I’m going to offer you this simple answer to your many silly questions and comments.
“A journalist is usually impartial”
Untrue. A journalist who presents a news report is impartial. What I do here is editorial commentary. Please refer to the definition of “Op/Ed.” If you’d like impartial commentary, see what I offer for the BBC. But to your point, any impartial figure could see DeBarge was still high.
A vendetta? For what? For why? For me to have a vendetta against DeBarge means i must have one against R. Kelly, Juanita Bynum, Eddie Long, the AME church, Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and 70 other specific subjects I’ve written on as passionately and MORE extensively than El.
Why would I write about “the comedian” who stripped while under the influence? How does that apply to anything here? There is a thematic progression here. I don’t do “random” stories. If you’d like random, please feel free to create your own blog. You couldn’t even remember the comedian’s name, so why in the world would I care to offer commentary about it to readers. It CLEARLY wasn’t important to you, but it’s supposed to be important to me?
Yes, you FANS are in denial. You’re in denial because you have no sense of reality. Only a “FAN” would believe a writer has a “vendetta” with a 50-year old R&B musician whose best musical days are likely behind him. How about THAT impartial read?
“negative hypocritical unprofessional questionable ‘journalist’ manner.”
Um…how about providing some specifics. I’ve already shown how your question and perception of a journalist is inherently wrong. So your assessment subsequently as to what is “hypocritical, unprofessional and questionable” is ill-informed if not altogether wrong.
The flaw in your complaint is that if you really reviewed my material, I have been as passionate and ardent concerning EVERY R&B musician discussed here. You, through your FANDOM, only have ONE reference point, El DeBarge.
I’ve RIPPED Chris Brown to shreds…oh my for DOMESTIC ABUSE…just like El. I guess you missed that. FANS, (like you) usually have myopia. I ripped Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, commenting on both FAR more than El DeBarge and with respect to their sexual predatory and drug behavior respectively. But you the El DeBarge FAN I guessed missed that.
You didn’t seem to think I had a vendetta against them. Why is that? Hmm…
The reason why is you are ignorant about what I do and haven’t taken the time to better inform yourself beyond El DeBarge. You aren’t interested in the seriousness of the broader issues, you’re only interested in El performing. That is a FAN and that is you.
The only one who has a vendetta is YOU. Because the only complaint you raise is with El DeBarge commentary. Nothing before and nothing since even though there are DOZENS of people/subjects who have been covered more extensively and harshly.
Here’s some journalism for you. I can verify and validate at least 10 other artists and such coverage here. Would you like to see the links?
The facts are simply not on your side because like most children, you’re loathe to spend time doing your homework, you’re a bundle of FANDOM emotion.
Now who is the one who is impartial?
It’s STILL fulltime sobriety or he goes the way of Amy Winehouse. That’s a fact.
If you can’t see the obvious parallels between Winehouse, El DeBarge and the appropriateness and linking them with the commentary…you are a fool…and a fan.
thanks mo kelly, I totally agree with you and if I met el , I could only keep it real.
I'm amazed that uyuo r in this with her. wow.
Mr. Kelly, You are so right in your article. I hope El Debarge takes heed and work on himself. He has so much talent. He should not throw it away with his substance abuse.
ELdra Patrick DeBage PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR FRIEND I would rather never see you sing on stage ever again and live to be 99 + than to die young trying to make a come back and die young!
Pleas Eldra get yourself clean and sober 1110 % and if you can still be a entertainer that's great but if you can't stay clean 1110% of the time and be a Super Star at the same time, than Eldra I say bye bye to the entertainment world and be the father your kids need you to be "ALIVE" not DEAD in a BOX they need you "ALIVE" sweet heart! Please listen to your true friend because he/she is a real friend not all those damn hangers oners those blood suckers that only care about how much money you make so they can be "RICH" to hell with them!
I am 75 years old and have been in love with El Debarge ever since the first time I heard him so many years ago. As much as I would love to hear him again, I would rather he live to 90 and never sing again. Let the people that want him to sing again for their money reasons, go away and get lost.
Diane Sharlin
I totally agree with you… People need to start being honest more LIKE YOU! instead of looking pass the issues for a damn come back and money. We lost alot of great artist because people do not want to sit down and be honest just like you.
Hey El I”ve been a fan of ur’s all my lyfe, since I was about the8 or 9 years old. As of last month on the 20, I turned 40 years old. I luv all ur music n then u came out with Lay With You n then Second Chance I just about hit the floor. Then I listened to Second Chance n I cried like a baby n I listen to Second Chance every morning I get up n every night I go to bed. Please leave the drugs along we’ve already lost so many great voice’s WE DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOU TOO!!!!!! PLEASE KEEP KEEPIN’ IT REAL. WE LUV U SO MUCH EL!!!!!!
It’s 2015 and I had two premonitions on a DeBarge death. EL and James. This family has been on my mind heavy and I am praying for them. I can understand 1-3 family members being on drugs but every last member that was in the music industry? This family is fighting some demons and I love them to pieces and if I had to chose I would like to keep them around for a long time and enjoy their music on iTunes. At the time when you wrote this you can now add Whitney to the mix. The DeBarge is a very gifted and talented family that I hope can retire peacefully at home and not peacefully at a Cemetary. As a fan I don’t want to see any of their demise as the music industry help contribute to most of the musicians drug problems.