710 ESPN in Los Angeles features Mo’Kelly’s ‘Metta World Peace’ Remix (AUDIO)

710 ESPN ‘Mason & Ireland Show’ Features Mo’Kelly’s ‘Metta World’ Remix by MrMo’Kelly


What makes this all the sweeter is that John Ireland is the radio PLAY-BY-PLAY announcer for the Lakers.  It’s the OFFICIAL Lakers station (airs the games).

Very, very cool.

The Mo’Kelly Report is a syndicated politics and entertainment journal. Visit https://mrmokelly.com for the latest from Mr. Mo’Kelly. Contact him at mrmokelly@gmail.com.

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One response to “710 ESPN in Los Angeles features Mo’Kelly’s ‘Metta World Peace’ Remix (AUDIO)”

  1. Stephanie Killum Avatar
    Stephanie Killum

    I'm laughing so hard! This was awesome!