August, 2010

Oregon Teens Dress as KKK…For Kicks

Story HERE. The “best” part…one is the son of a local cop. ______________ ST. HELENS, Ore. — Police said two teenage boys who dressed in Ku Klux Klan outfits as a prank attracted the ire of [...]

Bristol Palin is on Dancing with the Stars?! GTFOH!

Not Sarah Palin…but BRISTOL Palin.  Her mother, albeit an intellectual midget, is at least a legitimate public figure.  Bristol on the other hand, her only contribution to this world is getting knocked up as an underage [...]

Paris Hilton Charged – FELONY Cocaine Possession

Now this will be interesting.  The woman has a record and is charged with felony possession.  Let’s see if she ends up with real jail time this time around.  Although Hilton is claiming that the cocaine [...]

The Ignorance of the N-Word…And a Child Shall Lead Them (VIDEOS)

Wow…just wow. (But Mo’Kelly could do without the Black National Anthem remix verse, but that’s just Mo’Kelly) And…for those of you who love to cite Richard Pryor chapter and verse…yet conveniently forget THIS part of the [...]

‘New York Mosque’ – Monument to Terrorism?

You have to love the Right Wing.  Never let facts and common sense get in the way of a good Republican rant.  A reader sent this to Mr. Mo’Kelly… _____________ T*********** “When I read your recent [...]

Birdman is Back…Yacht and 1.5 Million Dollar WATCH

Mo’Kelly knows what you’re thinking…Birdman probably doesn’t “own” them, he’s just “saying” he owns them.  Either way, it’s official…Birdman is living a lie.  Yes, he won’t be the first hip-hopper to put forth such lies, but [...]

Criminal Girls with 20 Pearls – FULL Forensic Audit Beginning THURSDAY August 26

So the closet and the skeletons in it will be open for former Supreme Basileus Julia Brogdon Purnell on August 26 and for some days following it.  Forensic accountants will have FULL access to the AKA [...]

100 MPH Car Crash Caught on Tape – WHOA (VIDEO)

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. [...]

Parents AND Child Arrested at SAME DUI Checkpoint

No, Mo’Kelly isn’t making this up…read the story slowly and multiple times.  Otherwise you’ll miss the little stuff.  This family wasn’t all in the same car.  The ORIGINAL car contained underage drinkers and minors.  The popos [...]

Adolf Hitler Was Part Black…For Real

We know we ALL originated from the African continent, but Hitler’s African ancestry was a bit more “recent” it seems. Not that any of us should be surprised.  Self-hatred is as old as life itself. FULL [...]

The World of Mr. Mo'Kelly