Commentary — 27 October 2010

Today…It’s Mo’Kelly’s turn.  This is for my detractors and them only.  You know who you are and more importantly…so do I.

For more than a year, Mo’Kelly (Morris W. O’Kelly) has been subjected to all sorts of threats, insults, ridicule and indefensible behavior, in an effort to express one’s “objection” to my ongoing coverage of the issues confronting Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  In some respects, it was just fine.  I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.  As they say, I signed up for this and signed my name to it.

That said…

For the most part, I remained silent in the face of the ridiculous behavior.  In fact, the majority of the most vulgar, hateful emails came from the members themselves of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (and yes many others containing the same level of vitriol did not).  If I were to publish even a third of the notes, the world would be wondering if the organization would be even worth saving.  It would be hard to argue the value of AKA if such emails were in any way representative of its “college-educated” membership.  Granted, it would be unfair to characterize the outlandish remarks as peculiar to any particular group, but just know the overwhelming majority came from members of your illustrious sorority.  Maybe the goal was to have Mo’Kelly sink to a level unworthy of public respect, have him respond in a manner equally derogatory.

You failed.

Let the record show, Mo’Kelly did not disrespect not one person in return publicly or privately regardless of the hate shown me.

Not once.

There were emails from family members of AKAs who took issue with The Mo’Kelly Report for having the “audacity” to offer a public opinion about a “private” matter.  There were nasty comments and emails from members of other Black Greek-Letter organizations who felt the need to chastise me and my efforts to shine a light on this incredible level of financial malfeasance in “someone else’s” organization.  If the goal was to have Mo’Kelly respond in kind…

You failed.

Outside of my customary cynicism and sarcasm, for the most part, I remained silent.

Today…it’s my turn (to respond).

There were AKA impersonators who even put in their two cents in “defense” of Barbara McKinzie in an attempt to discredit me and my work.

You failed.

That’s not even including the calls and letters to my employer in an attempt to have me fired, despite full-well knowing the truth of the matter; the truth that Barbara McKinzie is/was robbing your beloved organization to the point of bankruptcy.

You failed.  Be glad you did, you at least still have a sorority and you’re welcome.

This is not even about the disrespect some have shown their own sorority sisters, the original 8 plaintiffs. That’s a completely different discussion for a different day.  Mo’Kelly can not and will not speak to the supposed “sisterhood” many of you had shown them.  They can adequately speak for themselves and on their own behalf.

But for the most part…on these personal matters regarding Mo’Kelly specifically, I remained silent and showed tremendous restraint.  Today though, it’s my turn to respond.

During these many months I said nothing about the overt movement to keep my older sister (an AKA) from becoming basileus of her chapter here in Southern California, specifically because “I,” “Mo’Kelly” was her brother.  Don’t think “Mo’Kelly” didn’t know about that and don’t think Mo’Kelly forgot about it either.  The next time “her brother” should come to one of “that chapter’s” events, just know that Mo’Kelly knows and will not forget.

But your apology is accepted.  Thanking you in advance.

I largely said nothing about the nastiness shown my mother, sister, great aunt and Ivy Beyond the Wall maternal grandmother (ALL AKAs) on The Ivy Vine listserv.  I never directly addressed the multiple discussions of these issues in supposed “connection” to my family when none of the aforementioned had ANY involvement whatsoever with ANYTHING published here in The Mo’Kelly Report.

No family member has EVER, under ANY circumstances participated in any information posted on any website or blog regarding AKA…EVER.  Nonetheless, some out there thought that the best way to get Mo’Kelly to “stop” was to “start in” on my family members.

You failed.

But be of good cheer, your apology is accepted.  Thanking you in advance.

Those specific individuals involved in that foolishness on The Ivy Vine, you shall remain nameless.  But be clear, Mo’Kelly does know your name(s).  Be sure to post this too on The Ivy Vine, with a big thank you note at the bottom of your aforementioned apology.  Mo’Kelly has earned both.

“Class” is not something you wear or emblematic of an organization you join, it’s found in the outward expression of one’s heart in the face of adversity.

Barbara McKinzie was paid somewhere close to 2 million dollars for an unpaid position by members of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.  FACT.  If there is anyone or anything in which one’s anger should have been directed, it’s to an address in Olympia Fields, Illinois.  If you like, Mo’Kelly will gladly forward it to your attention.

You know who you are.  Mo’Kelly accepts your collective apology too.  Thanking you in advance.

I said nothing about the blatant disregard and disrespect shown to me by other California AKAs at the local Frat Games, and yes, you shall remain nameless.  And yes, I do know your names.  Every single one of your insults and derogatory remarks made its way back to Mo’Kelly.  I said nothing in return to you or about you.  Your apology too is accepted.  You (in time) will have your sorority back and you’re also welcome.

Heretofore Mo’Kelly’s detractors have had their say.  Today it’s my turn to have mine.

Right is right…wrong is wrong.  Read the audit report and come back and tell Mo’Kelly the difference between “right” and “wrong.”  Listen to the interview with former employee Kenitra Shackelford and then tell Mo’Kelly who is in the wrong; who is hurting your beloved sorority.  Listen to the interview with Ms. Carol Ray and then come tell Mo’Kelly he needs to “mind his own business.”

There’s no fame, fortune or future gain in devoting more than a year to uncovering the financial malfeasance of a single African-American sorority of marginal news notoriety.  99% of the rest of the world does not care if AKA survives to see 2011 or the issues impacting the end result.

To my detractors, “you’re welcome.”  Be sure to think of Mo’Kelly the next time you send your dues check to nationals.  Your apology is accepted.  Thanking you in advance.

If Mo’Kelly were simply interested in “making a name for himself,” he would have gone the celebrity gossip route and accordingly named his blog, “” or “” or “”

This is The Mo’Kelly Report!

It is not to be confused with any such foolishness.  Do not EVER get it twisted.  Mo’Kelly BREAKS stories, Mo’Kelly covers NEWS and Mo’Kelly tells the TRUTH, be it Alpha Kappa Alpha, AME Church or T.D. Jakes/Juanita Bynum/Eddie Long.

And I’m gon’ keep on tellin’ it.

Your collective apologies are accepted.

Now runteldat.

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].


About Author


Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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The World of Mr. Mo'Kelly