Commentary News — 01 March 2017

President Trump had a good night, a very good night. But it was one hour of one day in which he stuck to a script. Can his discipline and self-regulation last beyond a singular moment on a singular day?

That was the crux of my comments tonight on CNN.  But if by chance his travel ban 2.0 is struck down or Alec Baldwin gets under his skin (again) or if God forbid the NY Times as an unflattering editorial piece in prominent view…does this mean we’re back to petulant Trump?

Being presidential is required all of the time, not just for one hour every 40 days or so.  In other news, SNL has a new episode in 4 days…


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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. He is heard weekends from 6-8pm on KFI AM640 in Los Angeles. The program is available via the iHeartRadio app and for download on iTunes and all podcasting apps.

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