Commentary — 25 August 2010

You have to love the Right Wing.  Never let facts and common sense get in the way of a good Republican rant.  A reader sent this to Mr. Mo’Kelly…



“When I read your recent comments concerning the opposition to the Ground Zero mosque, I was taken aback.  The President is wrong on this, and you are wrong.  Innocent Americans were murdered, by Muslims who acted without provocation. Our country went to war in two countries following the events on

Not only is a “cultural center” inappropriate it is
needed far more in the the middle eastern countries, where the practice of Islam denies education, denies any rights to women and children. Would you support a statue of a white slavemaster erected at the cemetery holding the bodies of former slaves?”

Mo’Kelly intentionally withheld the name on this occasion. I don’t want her to think this is going to be personal in any way. But it is going to be informative and educational in EVERY way. These are just the facts and nothing more. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Would you support a statue of a white slavemaster erected at the cemetery holding the bodies of former slaves?

Evidently in some parts of this country, they don’t show pictures of the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial.  History is clear on them (Washington and Jefferson) being the owners of African slaves.

Just the facts.

Or maybe she never heard of the George Washington Mount Vernon Estate monument.  It’s possible, but problematic given her argumentation.  In fact, AT the estate there is also a monument to the buried slaves there, thanks to the African-American students at Howard University.

Not only is a “cultural center” inappropriate it is
needed far more in the the middle eastern countries, where the practice of Islam denies education, denies any rights to women and children.

Education she says?  Let’s talk about “education.”

Ever heard of “George Washington” University?  Slavery and its enforcement were terrorism, do not confuse oneself as to any other definition.  The university is a monument in the name of the slaveowner.

And since we’re on this subject of “education”…

Has this woman not heard of Amherst College?  That would be the same “prestigious” Amherst College named after (i.e. monument) Lord Jeffery Amherst, best known for slaughtering Native Americans and pioneering the use of germ warfare. Meaning, he approved giving away smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans as “gifts,” as well as admonishing his troops to try “every other method that can serve to extirpate this execrable race.”

Terrorism…monuments…American soil?

Just the facts, and they are not in dispute.

Or what about the confederate flag?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller…Bueller?  It took an act of Congress to have it removed from flying atop the South Carolina statehouse.


This is about facts.  Not emotion, not partisan politics.  This is also about documented history, not Democrats or Republicans.

And if this woman ever spent paper money in her life, she might have noticed the faces of Ben Franklin, George Washington or Alexander Hamilton…all slaveowners.

Monuments…terrorism…cultural ignorance?

Just the facts ma’am and they are not in any way in dispute.

And before you think Mo’Kelly forgot to mention it, yes there is an Alexander Hamilton monument too…IN NEW YORK CITY.

It would seem that only ACTUAL TERRORISTS may have monuments built in their name in New York.  But religious cultural centers of the same RELIGION as terrorists in New York are unacceptable.

Just the facts…just the facts.

(The originally posted/linked story as to a monument being constructed near the 16th Street Baptist church has been refuted by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and thus removed.  Mo’Kelly appreciates their researching the story on their end.  See comment section.)

Mo’Kelly only asks that this woman and others better inform themselves on American history as well as contemporary news.  This isn’t hidden away in some secret government file.  It’s in your wallet, in Central Park, at prestigious universities…all around us.  All one has to do is be open to intellectually honest conversation.  This mosque and cultural center is not a monument to terrorism.  But even if it were, history has shown it’s the American way.

No, President Obama (and Mo’Kelly for that matter)…still right.  Mo’Kelly encourages all of you to “share” this in the battle against stupidity.

Facts and documented history always trump ignorance.


The Constitution is Often Times Inconvenient, Freedom…Uncomfortable

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].


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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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